Chapter 8

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Braylon pov
       Do you know what the best part about playing Hockey is? You can check people as hard as you like into glass and not be framed as a sociopath. I started Hockey in the first place because I had so much anger growing up. Throughout middle school, I was a nerd, and people liked to pick on me, but I didn't give them that satisfaction. It wasn't until I hit puberty that girls finally noticed me, and boys hated me more because I was a "Pretty boy" and I played a sport. I may look like a typical jock, but I'm a complete nerd. I much rather watch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy than go to some stupid frat party.

The first hockey practice of the season went surprisingly well. I got to play a lot of left-wing today, which is a big deal as a freshman. I will probably be watching from the bench for most of the season, but who knows? Hockey is unpredictable.

I finish up taking a shower and wrap my lower half in a towel when Trip walks towards me. "Hey man, I need you" I look at him confused "what do you mean you need me?" He clears his throat "what I meant to say is I need a wingman. I have a date tonight, and she's bringing her friend," I roll my eyes "no, I'm not really in the mood," he grins "you know it's a shame you'll waste your whole college experience in your dorm room" then I remember the conversation I had with my mom before I left, she made me promise that I would go and have the best college experience because I don't have to watch Eve as I did back at home. "Fine, I'll go," he smiles "who knows, you may get some later, and it might make you not as uptight." I give him a look and give him the finger. I think I found my new best friend.

                                                                                    Hayley's pov

Emily: Hey, look what just popped up on my phone 

Hayley:  what, Di Laurentis, I'm studying?

Emily: "your gonna love this."

she sends me a link to some hockey blog, and I sigh because I know this won't be good.

"OMG, Welcome back, hockey hotties. We have some tea! We all remember the sweet little girl that was once on her daddy's shoulder. That girl grew up and is now away at college, and we are so jealous of her smoking hot body girl got a glow-up! But seriously, she's already a party girl?! This is unexpected. This little girl that once was a sweet angel on the ice with her father is now a wild child. Over the weekend, we saw Hayley dancing on top of a bar while grinding on two guys and taking shots. We only wonder if her famous hockey father, Garret Graham knows about all this rebellious behavior or if he is too busy competing for his final season with the Boston Bruins. 

I instantly panicked. How did they already get their hands on this? My only guess is that some college asshole forwarded the video to that stupid hockey blog. Do they have anything better to do than ruin people's lives? I text Emily back.

Hayley: I am so dead 

Emily: Relax, Hay, your parents understand they went to college too 

Hayley: "yea, but they'll probably be mortified when they see me start to strip!!!!"

Emily: "At least everyone thinks you're a badass now."

Hayley: that's not what I wanted

Emily Ok hun, it will pass; trust me, I've done way worse on camera

technically; she's not wrong. I've seen multiple videos of her making out with guys, dancing on bars, and even sometimes smoking a bong. My best friend gives no fucks about what people think of her. I sent her one last text before I continued studying on campus. 

Hayley: ok, I'll see you tonight at the dorm 

Emily: good, we are getting you out because if I hear the Friends theme song one more time, I will lose it.

Hayley: fine

I don't want to go out, but I'm too tired to protest, but the last thing I want to do is go to the dorm and facetime my parents. They have been asking me to facetime all day, but I keep dodging them or making excuses. Thank god I'm not at home because I do not doubt that I would be grounded or lectured about how everyone is watching us. I try to keep my mind off the video by completing homework. "Hey there," I look up from my notebook to see a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes, but she's short. She's wearing a ripped black sweater and leggings. I smile politely. "Hey." she sit's down. I do not want company right now, but I put on a fake smile."Your Hayley Graham right." I don't like where this is going, but I answer, "Yep, that's me." she smiles. "Good because I heard you can sing and play music." "I play a little why?" She hands me a flyer for a band audition, "Silver Spoons." I'm confused. "You want me to audition for your band?" she nods. "Yes, I usually wouldn't go around to random strangers but are bassist/backup singer just dropped out of college, so I started looking around on social media and found people who could play bass, and you popped up. I am a little freaked out, but I nod. "Um, ok, I'll think about" she nods and smiles "ok, I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. Just let me know if your coming to audition." I nod. I might have found my new distraction.

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