7. A threat

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Y/N: You want to hang out with me? Why?

You stare at Angel in confusion. He laughs and outs a hand on your shoulder.

Angel: Because I have someone to introduce ya to. Kinda sad that you don't have a girlfriend, ya know?

Y/N: I don't have one because I'm not interested in one. But it would be nice to get out for a bit.

Angel: That's the spirit! Lets go!

Y/N: (under breath) Oh Satan I hope I don't regret this.

As you and Angel head to the front door you come across Chalrie, Vaggie, and Alastor. They're talking about hotel stuff.

Charlie: Oh! Hey Y/N and Angel! Please stay out of trouble out there!

Angel: Why, princess, I'd never do anything to hurt the hotels rep!

Y/N: We're just going to meet some girl he knows. Couldn't be too much trouble.

Charlie: Oh! OK then! Just be safe then you two!

You wave to her and head out.

---Charlie POV---

Charlie: (Why did that bother me so much? It's not like we're dating. I'd never develop feeling for a patient...right?)

A hand touches her shoulder, making her jump. She turns to see a worried Vaggie.

Vaggie: You ok hun? You seem out of it.

Charlie: Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?

Alastor: Hmmmm, it seems your distress started when Y/N mentioned seeing another girl.

Charlie turns bright red.

Charlie: (No. No way. I'm NOT jealous.)

Alastor: My my, are you jealous my dear? Why, if you want to spend time with him just say so!

Charlie: It's not that! I don't get involved with patients like that.

Alastor: I don't believe you, but whatever! Now, back to getting more residents!

Charlie only half listens as she thinks of Y/N. She can't help but get flustered thinking about him. She sighs and pushes the thought out of her mind.

---Y/N POV---

Y/N: So, what's the plan when we meet this person? What do you do for fun?

Angel: Usually drugs, but that's a no go. My buddy has some assholes moving in on her turf. We're gonna help her "convince" them to leave.

Y/N: Sounds an awful lot like causing trouble. I'm in.

Angel: HA! I knew you didn't buy into that redemption crap.

Y/N: My dad trains hells armies. How would I possibly be redeemed?

???: Who the fucks this Angie?

You turn to see a demon with a big red eye with a white x pupil, a red crop top, torn red shorts, torn black leggings, and mismatched boots. She has long blonde hair in a ponytail.

She's carrying a large amount of small bombs.

Y/N: I'm Y/N. You are?

Cherri: Names Cherri Bomb. So you here to help push these shit heads off my turf? Ya don't look like much.

She eyes you up and down.

Y/N: Point me to where they are and I'll do it myself. You can watch how a professional works.

She gets a wicked smile and raises her eyebrow.

Cherri: Fuck, I do like me a confident man. I'd look weak if someone did the fighting for me though.

Angel: Alright, enough talking already. Let's get this shit started.

You put a mask on and follow them.

Angel: What's with that?

Y/N: Hotel rules say no violence. Can't get in trouble if they don't know it's me.

Angel goes to say something, the shrugs.

Angel: Eh, whatever floats ya boat man.

Cherri: Here's the place. They hang out at this bar. Let's go teach em a lesson.

You walk up and kick the door in. The bar falls silent.

Y/N: You little pricks picked the wrong turf to move in on.

Thug: Yeah? What the fuck are you gonna-

He gets cut off by you grabbing his face. You look into his eyes and smile under your mask.

Y/N: I haven't let loose in a bit. This'll be fun.

You pull a knife out and drive it into his throat. As he squirms and gags you throw him at the other demons. In the confusion you draw your pistol and take three out with perfect accuracy.

Cherri: Fuck, he's good. Where'd ya find this guy?

Angel: That stupid hotel, if ya can believe it.

Cherri lights a bomb and throws it. The explosion send dust and limbs every where. Angel pulls out a Tommy gun and sweeps the room with it.

Your eyes begin to glow as the smell of blood fills your nostrils. It's intoxicating.

You throw your knife into a demons arm, pinning it to the wall. You dash at it and hit its face hard enough to feel it's skull crack.

You feel a pain in your side as you turn to see a shorter imp with a knife. You pull the knife out and toss it aside. You levitate the demon and stretch its limbs out.

It shrieks in pain as you pull it limb from limb.

Angel: FUCK! What did you just do?

Y/N: Nothing. Don't worry about it.

After a few more minutes of fighting all the demons are dead. You all step outside.

Cherri: Well shit. You really can hold your own. Not to mention you're fuckin hot.

Y/N: Thanks. You aren't to bad looking yourself.

Holy shit. You just genuinely complimented her. That therapy shit must be to blame.

Y/N: We gotta get back before anyone noticee us here.

Angel: Yeah yeah, fair enough.

Cherri: Hey, here's my number. Let's hang sometime. Just the two of us.

She gives you a wink and holds out a piece of paper with her phone number.

Y/N: Sure, why not? See ya later.

You and Angel make your way back to the hotel. As you do, a group of demons step out to block your path.

Thug: You Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah. What do you want?

Thug: Valentino says to watch your back. He's gonna get even with ya soon. Real soon.

Y/N: That all? Tell that twat he doesn't stand a chance. If he comes for me, it'll be the last thing he does.

The imp scoffs as you walk past.

Angel: You really don't want to get involved with this. You don't know what he's capable of.

Y/N: No, but I know what I am. I'm not letting him do whatever he wants. I still don't know how caring about people works. But I feel like we're friends. And I know that friends stand up for each other.

Angel looks shocked.

Angel: Wow. I didn't expect you to get all sentimental. But, thanks.

You give him a nod. You'll be ready when Valentino comes.

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