15. A date!

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Y/N: You're move, Angel.

Angel: Don't fuckin rush me!

Angel concentrates hard, trying to figure out what to do. He makes his move and you smirk. You have him right where you want him.

Y/N: Checkmate. I win again.

Angel: Gah! Fuck this game! You always win!

Y/N: Chess is all about strategy. You never stood a chance.

Angel flips the board and walks away grumbling to himself. You laugh while picking up the pieces.

Charlie: Hey hun, need a hand?

Turning your head, you see Charlie holding out one of the pieces. You smile and take it from her. She helps you gather up all of the scattered pieces. You place the board back where you got it from.

Charlie: Soooooo, Y/N, I was thinking. We haven't actually been on a date yet. Maybe we could go watch a movie or something?

Y/N: Sure, that sounds fun. You're markedly better company than Angel anyway.

Angel: (distant) Ahhhh go fuck yaself!

Charlie giggles and rolls her eyes.

Y/N: I take it there's something in particular you want to see?

Charlie: Not really. Just wanted to spend time with you.

Her remark makes you blush. You still aren't used to being this close to someone.

Y/N: Sounds good to me! We'll figure it out when we get there then. Are we going now?

Charlie: If you're ready, then sure!

You hold your hand out and she takes it. The two of you make your way to the front door.

Charlie: We'll be back soon. Vaggie is in charge until we get back.

Y/N: Please don't break anything Angel.

Angels arm slowly comes around the corner with his middle finger out. Charlie shakes her head and the two of you step outside.

Charlie: I can't believe you and Angel get along so well.

Y/N: The old me hated him. But after freeing myself from Kalus, I realized that he and I have a lot in common. A dark figure manipulating us from behind the scenes.

Charlie: I'm so proud of you! You've really made a lot of progress since coming here. But maybe we can tone down picking on each other and swearing a bit?

Y/N: Hey, the swearing is all on him. Although I guess I do instigate sometimes.

Charlie: Riiiiiight, sometimes.

Y/N: So, what kind of movies are you into? I'll watch whatever you recommend.

Charlie: I like romantic movies. And I know that there's a new one playing right now.

Y/N: Sounds good to me. Random question, do you ever get bothered by people in public for being heir to hells throne?

Charlie: Not really. Most people don't really care. Although I have had some people try and kidnap me before. 

Y/N: Well at least you don't have to worry about that anymore. If anyone tries something I'll break their arm.

Charlie: Well hopefully it doesn't come to that. 

I follow Charlie into her limo. I sit down a seat away from her. She keeps looking at me from the corner of her eye, slowly moving towards me each time she looks away. How the fuck can one person be so cute?

Y/N: If you want to sit closer to me, you can.

She immediately scoots over to me. I reach down and grab her hand. Our fingers intertwined with each other.

Charlie: I feel so safe with you. You aren't allowed to leave now. You know that, right?

Y/N: As if I would want to? I'd still be an unstable wreck if I hadn't come here. I owe all of you a lot. You're stuck with me.

Charlie: Sounds good to me.

I look over at her and we lock eyes. I lean in and kiss her. 

Driver: We're here your highness.

Charlie: Ah! R-right, thank you very much! Let's go Y/N.

Y/N: Of course. 

We approach the ticket counter, Charlie moves in front of me. She has a brief talk with the person at the counter, then comes back with two tickets. 

Charlie: We got lucky! It starts in 5 minutes! Let's hurry up and get in so we can get some good seats!

Y/N: Sure thing. After you.

We enter the room and it's empty. Can't say I'm too shocked. If anything, I'm more surprised that anyone in hell would bother making a romance movie. 

Y/N: Seems like we have some options. Where should we sit? 

Charlie: Hmmmm, how about here?

The bottom row of the top section? Not a bad choice. You won't have to bend your neck to look at the screen.

The movie starts, and it's immediately very sappy. A hellhound and imp that are childhood friends, but the imp moves away. They meet later in life and find that their in love.

There are a couple of fairly heated scenes. Charlie's eyes don't leave the screen for a moment. Her cheeks turn red at the more intimate parts.

The credits finally roll and Charlie site motionless for a moment.

Y/N: You wanna watch the credits as well?

Charlie: Huh? Oh! Sorry I was just spacing out for a moment. Let's head home!


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