12. On the mend

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You wake up sore all over. You try and sit up and your whole chest flares with pain. You lay back onto your bed and sigh. You're dad really got you good with that hit. Not to mention hurting your hand with your own punch. You hear the door to your room open, followed by Charlie walking in.

Charlie: Hey sweetie, how are you?

Y/N: Good morning Charlie. I feel awful, but that beats the alternative. 

Charlie walks over and sits next to your bed. She sighs while looking at the bruises on your body. She gives you a worried look.

Charlie: Is there really no way to resolve this peacefully? I don't know that I can handle seeing you get hurt like that again.

Y/N: I'm sorry Charlie, but no. It's only a matter of time until he comes for you again. We need to be ready for him.

Charlie: You do know him better than I do. Just please promise me that you won't kill him. 

Y/N: I'll try not to. But I can't promise you anything. If it comes down to you or him it's an easy choice. The person who made me suffer, or the person who helped me be happy.

Charlie tears up a bit and smiles. There's a moment of silence as you look into each others eyes. Charlie starts to lean in as you attempt to do the same. You wince in pain and lay back down. Charlie goes to pull back and you reach out and pull her back down. You share a kiss as she sits back down.

Charlie: Are you ok? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you move.

Y/N: Please. I moved because I wanted to, and it was worth it.

She rolls her eyes and laughs. You sigh as you think about everything that's happened. Between Valentino and your dad, you're in a bit of a hard place.

Y/N: Charlie, things may get pretty bad for me. I don't want to cause any trouble for you or your hotel. With my old man and Valentino....

Charlie looks at you and raises an eyebrow. FUCK. She didn't know about the incident with Valentino. 

Charlie: (sigh) Look Y/N, I don't know what happened in that scenario. But I'm not going to ask you to leave the hotel because of it. I'm here to help you.

She places a hand on your arm. You blush and nod your head. If she's going to be adamant on you staying then you'll just need to get stronger to keep her and everyone else safe from your dad. 

Charlie: Now, what do you want for breakfast?

Y/N: Huh?

Charlie: Well it's not like you can get it yourself in your condition. Just tell me what you want.

Y/n: Uh, just some eggs, toast, and coffee. Thank you Charlie.

Charlie: (giggle) No problem.

She kisses your forehead and walks out of the room. If only things could stay this peaceful.  

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