11. True Feelings

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You make your way to a hidden bunker your father has. He uses it to detain hostages and get rid of anyone he deems "in the way" of his plans. It's his most secure facility, so it has to be where he's holding her.

You're familiar with troupe routes as you've been here before. You pull out your boot knife and slowly make your way into the compound. You only take out the demons that are an immediate danger to your plans.

You pull one of the demons into the shadows to interrogate it.

Y/N: There was a prisoner brought her recently. Where is she?

Imp: I don't know what you're talk-

you put the knife to it's throat, cutting it slightly. It whimpers a little.

Y/N: Where. Is. She.

Imp: B-bottom floor of the bunker. Room is sealed up tight.

Y/N: Thanks.

You knock the Imp out then bind and gag it. You take a look at the main building. Once you're inside it's going to be very hard to stay undetected. You have to get there unseen, otherwise your father will surely be there. 

You slowly make your way in, darting from cover to cover as you search for a stairwell. The inside of the bunker seems understaffed. You're almost positive that your dad is expecting a rescue attempt. He probably isn't planning on it being you. 

As you reach the bottom floor, you You pull a mask from your bag. You feel like concealing your identity will give you a moments advantage over your dad. You open the door and check your corners. The coast seems clear so you step out. 

Imp: Hey! Who the fuck are you?

You turn to see two soldiers with their weapons drawn. You didn't come this far to give up. without saying a word you throw your knife into one of their throats. The imp drops his gun and clutches his throat. The other one fires at you. 

You use your telekinesis to stop the rounds. The imps eyes go wide as you send one round back through it's forehead. You don't even bother to hide the bodies. The sound from the gunfire will bring more guards and you don't have time to waste. 

You sprint through the halls looking for a surveillance room to locate Charlie.  You take out every demon that gets in your way. All that matters it finding Charlie. After following some signs you finally come to a door labeled "surveillance". You kick the door in, but the demons were waiting for you.

They open fire and one hits you in the shoulder. You growl as your eyes turn red and you use you power to turn their guns on each other. You approach the camera feed and look for any sign of her. There, holding cell 5-B. She seems to be ok overall. No obvious injuries or anything.

You run out of the room and start looking for signs of what block you're in. As luck would have it, you're already in B block. You make your way to the holding cells. There's three guards in the way. You rush them and stab one in the neck. you un holster his sidearm and shoot the other two.

Charlie: Hey! What's going on out there?

You grab the door and tear it from the wall. Charlie screams from the suddenness of it. She stares fearfully at you. You look at yourself and notice you're covered in blood. You sigh and pull your mask off.

Y/N: Come on. Let's get you home.

Charlie: Y/N? But how-

Y/N: I'll explain later. For now, we need to go. Please, trust me.

You reach your hand out to her and she immediately takes it. You start running back through the halls retracing your path. As you round the corner to the stairs you come across your father. He looks extremely pissed off.

Kalus: Never thought you'd have the balls to betray me, boy. No matter, this is but a minor set back. Now, I'll be taking my prisoner back.

Y/N: No. I'm not following your bullshit plans anym-

Your dad rushes forward and hits you in the stomach. You fall to your knees and throw up. You look up to your dad, coughing and wheezing. 

Y/N: D-don't. Fucking. Touch. Her.

Kalus: Silence whelp. 

He steps over you towards Charlie. You feel a surge of energy rush through you. You stand up and use your power to augment your punch strength. You hit your dad in the ribs and send him through a wall. The punch has so much force it breaks your hand. 

You step up to the hole in the wall to see your dad on the floor. You feel nothing but anger and resentment towards him.

Y/N: This is it. I'm not your pawn anymore. If you come back for her, I'll be ready. 

Kalus: Next time you won't get a cheap shot in. I'm going to put your pathetic attempt at rebellion down.

Y/N: Bring it on, Kalus.

You turn away and grab Charlies hand, leading her out of the base. Once you arrive in city limits Charlie tries to stop you.

Charlie: Y/N, can we please talk.

Y/N: We need to get back. Get you to safety. 

Charlie: No. We need to talk. Now.

You turn to her and sigh. With the adrenaline wearing off you start to feel the pain more. 

Y/N: Fine. What's on your mind?

Charlie: I know everything. Your dad filled me in. His plan. Your reason for being at the hotel. 

Y/N: Charlie, you have to understand-

Charlie: Shush, just listen. I can tell from how you are now that you've put real effort into changing. It's also clear from today that you aren't working with your dad anymore. I trust you when it comes to that.

You stare silently at her. She's really keeping herself together well.

Charlie: B-but, that girl the other day. I just can't-

You walk up to Charlie and hold her tightly. You can hear her start to cry. She tightly grabs your jacket.

Y/N: That girl is Angel's friend. She came on to me. I felt nothing when she kissed me. In fact, I immediately thought of you. of us kissing accidentally on the roof. How I want that to happen again but on purpose.

Charlie pulls back, her face is bright red. She takes a moment to take in what you've said. 

Charlie: What are you-mmphf?!

You pull her in mid sentence and kiss her. Her lips are so soft. The feeling of your lips meeting is unlike anything you've ever experienced. It makes your heart flutter. You pull back from her and look her in the eyes.

Y/N: Charlie...I-I...I love you. I really had to ask a lot of people what love feels like to figure out my feelings. Honestly, it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I understand if you don't feel the same. I just want you to be-

Charlie places a finger on your lips. 

Charlie: Be quiet for just a sec.

She slowly leans in and kisses you. You run your good hand through her hair. She cries even more as you kiss. She finally pulls away, giving you a warm smile.

Charlie: Y/N, I love you too. I'm sorry I didn't hear you out at the hotel. I-I'm just so sorry I caused all of this.

Y/N: It's not on you. It's on that filth Kalus. 

She sniffles and then nods.

Your injuries start to get the better of you as you fall back into a nearby wall. 

Y/N: Let's head home before I pass out.

Charlie: Yeah, let's.

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