8. Realization

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You're laying in bed. It's 9 am. You're lost in your thoughts about everything you've experienced since coming here. A few days ago you called Angel You're friend.

It came out so naturally. You certainly meant it. You can't stand the thought of Angel being sad. But what about Charlie then?

The flustered feeling you get when it's just the two of you. An odd tingly feeling in your stomach.

Y/N: (sigh) I gotta talk to Charlie.

You get up and grab your phone.


Y/N: Hey Charlie, are you free?

Charlie: Sure! I just finished talking with Angel.

Y/N: Great. Can you meet on the roof in 15?

Charlie: Sure! See you then!


You get up and head to the roof. You take some deep breaths to calm yourself. You need to make sure you're as level headed as possible.

You get to the roof first and take a look at the city. It's oddly peaceful. The hotel is far enough away that you can't hear any sounds from it.

Charlie: Hey Y/N, what's on your mind?

You turn to say hi and get stopped mid thought. She's wearing a red crop top and black pants. You try to stop it, but you can tell your blushing.

Y/N: Charlie. You uh, you look great.

Charlie: (giggle) Thanks Y/N.

She tries to act cool, but she blushing as well.

Y/N: So I recently came to the conclusion that I consider Angel a friend.

Charlie's eyes light up.

Charlie: That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!

She gives you a hug. Almost like instinct you wrap your arms around her. She's so warm, and she smells so nice. Almost like fresh fruit and vanilla.

After a minute or so you both realize what you're doing and separate.

Charlie: I'm so sorry!

Y/N: No no, I'm sorry. I held for way to long.

Charlie just laughs awkwardly and holds her arm. There's a moment of silence.

Y/N: Also, there's a girl I know. I think...I think I might have feelings for her.

Charlie: Oh? How do you feel around her? What about when you're apart?

Y/N: Well, uh, when we're together I feel at peace. Like I can talk about whatever without being judged. I almost forget about my problems with my old man.

Charlie says nothing, listening intently.

Y/N: My thoughts always come back to her when we're apart. No matter what I do she always works her way back into my head.

Charlie: Wow, it sounds like this person is really important you.

You look into her eyes.

Y/N: Yeah, I suppose she is.

So this is what it feels like to care about someone. But these feelings get in the way of your mission. She's just a means to an end.

But is that what you want? No, it's not. And she's the one who made you realize that.

---Charlie POV---

He's talking about me, isn't he? He's changed so much in such a short amount of time. It really is incredible the amount of effort he's putting in.

I can't believe I'm feeling the same. It's unethical at the very least. He's a patient I'm helping, and I shouldn't get involved.

But there's just something about him. I can tell there's a caring, expressive person under that outer shell.

*brrr brrr*

I pull my phone out and check. Vaggie and Husker are arguing. Again.

Charlie: Hey Y/N, I gotta go. It was really nice talking to you.

---Y/N POV---

Shit. You need to tell her how you feel. She gets up and starts walking away.

Y/N: Charlie, wait. I have something to tell you.

You stand up an go to follow her. As she turns to face you her foot hits an uneven part of the roof. The way she's falling back she could hit her head on the door and hurt herself.

You reach out and grab her arm, pulling her towards you. The force of her colliding with you makes you lose balance.

Your back hits the ground with Charlie falling on top of you. The impact makes you close your eyes. You feel an odd sensation. Not bad, but definitely something you haven't felt before.

You open your eyes to see Charlie's lips pressed on your own. Your heart feels like it could burst. Your eyes meet for a moment before she leaps off of you.

Charlie: I-you-the fall-I didn't mean to-I gotta go!

Charlie runs to the door, leaving you on the floor with your thoughts. That sensation. Both from her lips and from her body being pressed up against you. You didn't want the moment to end.

Angel: Look at you, gettin all close with the princess.

You shoot up to a sitting position.

Y/N: FUCK! How long have you been there?

Angel: Long enough. With how you're reacting, I'd say that was a first kiss.

Y/N: ......Yes.

Angel: HA. I knew it! You have no experience with romance. That's kinda fuckin shocking honestly. 

Y/N: (sigh) My life's been nothing but training and killing. No time for anything else. But I think I really like her. She makes me feel.

Angel: Feel what?

Y/N: Just, in general. I never put any stock into what I wanted prior to coming here. I didn't have anything I wanted. I can't believe how much I'm changing. 

Angel: Heh, can't believe that therapy stuff is actually working. Maybe I'll take it seriously some day.

Y/N: Ha! That'll be more shocking than me taking it seriously. 

The two of you laugh as you head inside.

--- Valentinos Office---

Valentino watches a recording of Y/N and Charlie on the roof. The talk, the fall, the accidental kiss. He gets a wicked smile.

Valentino: Well then, what tasty piece of information is this? I think I finally know how to break that fucker.

Valentinos laugh echoes throughout the entire building.

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