Chapter 25

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Giggles filled the room.

Hobi was playing hide and seek with the two year old Aera.

"Pee-ka-boo",he said as he removed the cloth from his face, as his bright smiling face appeared causing the baby to giggle.

The same thing repeated for another ten minutes, the baby finding it fascinating every time.

"Opa, nyam nyam", she said as she made grabby hands at him.

"Oh, my Baby Angel is hungry?",  He said as he picked her up in his arms and went to the dining room.

Jin was sitting in the table, mixing a batter in the bowl.

"Hyung, Aera's hungry", Hobi said as he sat her down on the table.

"Wait, here, my princess. I'll heat the milk", said the thirteen year old Seokjin and he went into the kitchen.

But Aera was too interested in the batter.

Hobi sat her down on the floor.

She pointed her fingers at the batter, another hand inside her mouth.

"Opa, he-r", she pointed to the floor.

"Here, I'll come back in a minute", he said as he kept the batter and rushed to the washroom.

Jin came back from the kitchen to witness the adorable sight infront of him.

His sister was playing with the batter.

It was smeared all over her face and body as she didn't wore a dress, except a nappy.

"Opa, pety", she laughed.

"Yes princess, you are sooo pretty", Jin said as he crouched at a little distance from her.

"Come here", he said as he showed her milk bottle.

She stood up with wobbly legs and ran to him in one go.

Seokjin catched the weight crushed on him.

He sat down on the floor and made her sit on his lap.

He fed her the milk and she was drinking quietly.

In the process, she smeared some of the batter on him, which he didn't mind.

Hobi watched everything and went away without disturbing them.

He didn't went to school today, as his stomach was upset.

Jin heard the front door open.

The sound of his brothers reached his ear as his lips curved into a smile.

"Hyu-", Jimin cut himself off, seeing Aera drinking peacefully.

Yoongi approached them.

He crouched infront of them and she was almost finished.

He held her hand as her eyes were roaming around him.

She quickly finished her milk.

She made grabby hands at Yoongi, "Yoo".

"Come, let's bath", he said as he scooped  her up in his arms.

"Babyy", the four year old Jungkook chirped on seeing her.

"Kooo", she chirped back.

"Come on Kook, we can shower and play with Aera", Namjoon said as he held his hand and walked upstairs.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now