Chapter 118- Part 9

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"Oppa, what is this?",  Seven year old little Aera pointed at the computer screen.

"It's the recycle bin", Namjoon, who was fifteen, said adjusting her on his lap and continuing his work.

"Recycle?", She wondered touching the icon.

"Simply, it's a trash can", Namjoon said, his eyes fixed at the screen, his hands typing away the document.

"Ohh", she understood now getting the meaning behind the icon.

There was a few minutes of silence, then she exclaimed,"Oppa! You have any game?"

He thought about it for a minute and said,"Yes, I have. But you shouldn't play, because it's bad for your eyes. If you wanna play anything else tell me, we can play", He said squeezing her chubby, soft cheeks.

"Then Oppa eyes good?", She asked touching his cheek, making him smile.

"I'm good. I have to do this anyways. It's my job little baby", He said caressing her arms.

"I want job too", she said looking up at him, her eyes twinkling.

"Oh yeah?", He asked.

She nodded her head.

"Can you get me some snacks please?", He asked politely.

"Sure", she mumbled getting down from his lap and running out.

A few minutes later, she ran back with cookies to see her brother was not there.

She tilted her head and sat on his chair, taking out a cookie and munching on it.

Time passed, but there was no sign of him returning.

She kept the cookie on the table, and she wondered why the computer screen was black.

She pressed some random buttons as the computer screen came to life.

It was the same file Namjoon had been typing.

She smiled happily and proceeded to type something.

She typed each letter, scrolling through the keyboard to find each letters.

She got bored.

Aera climbed down the chair to search for her missing brother.

She ran a few distance, but returned back to take her precious cookies.

While grabbing the cookie packet, she unknowingly grabbed the edge of papers,  that were weighed down by a book.

She pulled the packet, unknowingly tearing the papers too.

She got startled with the sound.

When she realised what happened, her lips quivered and eyes started to we'll up.

She ruined their work.

She ran out the room to apologise for her misbehaviour.

When she couldn't spot Namjoon anywhere, she ran downstairs, the cookie packet clutched tight in one hand and tears streamed down her face.

Some of the boys, who were doing their work downstairs, became alert, hearing her cries.

"Aigoo! What happened Angel?", Hobi picked her up.

Jin got the snacks from her hand and kept it aside.

"Sorry oppa!", she exclaimed burying her face in Hobi's neck.

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