Chapter 68

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Taehyung and Jungkook watched the scene unfold through the CCTV recordings.

The boy who gave Aera the dare and the girl who asked awkward questions were given the task of cleaning the school toilets for atleast a month.

Taehyung was close to pull his gun's trigger, but Jungkook calmed him down.

The principal is just a puppet in their hands.

The remaining people were suspended for a week. They had the task to complete all the assignments of the year within the week.

The principal was so close to call their parents, but the kids pleaded them not to and accepted their punishments.

Nia cried so much that they gave her a warning not to come near their sister.

Tino was fuming in annoyance with the stupidity of his fellow students.

The hyung line were fuming in anger, when they came to know what happened, but Aera melted away their anger with her warm hugs and kisses.

It was after dinner.

Aera was studying in her room.

Her brothers were in the meeting room discussing something.

"So what is it?", Jin asked sitting down on the luxury chair.

Everyone sat down in their respective places.

All of them were ready to go to bed, when Jungkook said they need to discuss something.

All of them were shirtless except Taehyung and Yoongi.

Jungkook looked at Jimin and Taehyung.

He gulped and said, "Hyung, today asked us the meaning of sex. She would have asked atleast five times. She was so curious. Please make her forget this hyung".

Everyone was silent.

"Why you want her to forget this? She should know", Jin said.

"NO!!", Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin and Hobi screamed.

"It's better if she knows", Taehyung said deep in thought.

"What are you saying? No I won't accept this", Jimin said standing up.

"We can't keep her in the dark. Someday she has to come to know this-", Jin was interrupted by Namjoon.

"No hyung. I know this is important. But I don't want her to know this, atleast yet. Yeah, I agree I taught her the basics. But this is too much for her to take in", Namjoon said.

"Joon we are not going to push this into her. We'll give her the warning. If she wants to know even then, we can take it further ", Jin said.

"Hyung, please don't do this. I don't want her to know this at this time", Hobi said in a hushed tone.

"Hyung come on. It is not right to keep her in ignorance", Taehyung said.

"Ignorance is bliss", Jungkook scoffed.

"It is Kook. But it is not right. Now everyone calm down and sit in your places", Yoongi said.

They obeyed.

"You know our sister very well. If she gets curious about something, she won't be satisfied until she gets the solution. So now answer me. You want her to know about these things from the people she trusts and is comfortable with or from vulgar websites, videos or even some other people?", Yoongi asked.

Everyone kept silent.

"Answer him", Jin said.

"It's better from us", Namjoon said.

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