Chapter 56

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"Oppa, wait for me!!", Aera whined as the Maknae line ran before her into the mansion.

Jungkook turned back to show his tongue and resumed running.

The giggling brothers came through the front door only to hear a horrifying scream.


They froze on their spots, legs hanging in the mid air.

Rose petals were on the floor, making a pathway into the living room.

Suno stood there with wide eyes,hands over his mouth, behind him were the hyung line with their done faces.

Luna was giggling looking at the sight.

"Hmph! You guys are so mean, you left-", Aera came in shaking her head furiously, ranting her complaints.

She stopped mid way seeing her brothers standing there like a statue.

"Yah! You people move away, make a way for the princess!", Suno said coming over the mini shock and gently pulling the Maknae line aside.

They came out of their states and closed their open mouth and watched the drama.

They were definitely not expecting this.

Suno bowed a 90 degree infront of Aera who was confused and processing everything.

"Princess, your servant is here today! Please grace us with your presence!",He said gesturing her to walk.

She slowly took the pathway and ended up in the living room.

Once it was over she came running to Suno.

"SUNO!!!", She laughed merrily, holding his hands.

They started jumping around holding each other's hands, like kids.

"No greetings for us?!"

"What about me Aera-shi?"

The Maknae line and Luna asked at the same time, but the duo were too busy jumping and giggling.

The looked at each other and Luna bowed infront of them as the Maknaes shook hands with her.

"Don't worry, we have each other", Jimin said sighing.

But inside they were happy seeing their sister happy and carefree.

Soon, they calmed down and Aera looked around the room when her eyes landed on Luna.

"Unnie!!", She exclaimed as she ran to Luna and held her hands.

Luna smiled patting her cheek.

"Can I hug you?", Luna asked.

Aera nodded as she hugged Luna.

"Unnie i didn't know you are coming here. No one told me anything", Aera said pulling out of the hug, pouting.

"Angel, I said there will be a surprise for you, right?", Hobi said.

"Yeah! Oh this is what you meant! Thank you, Oppa", she said hugging Hobi.

"Actually, they are going to stay here for dinner princess", Jin said smiling.

"What! Then we can play games,watch movies, have a snack party, have a-", Aera was interrupted by multiple chuckles.

"Perhaps you forgot about your exams, baby?", Namjoon said patting her head.

"I already studied for it, Oppa. A revision is enough", she said smiling.

They couldn't help but smile at her smartness.

"We can do everything you say. First go and fresh up", Jin said.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now