Chapter 143

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"Jin! Come in", Maya said as she smiled.

It was their third day in London.

No one in the house bothers them now.

Kris went out early in the morning, informing Julie that he would return only by night.

"You called me aunty?", Jin sat beside her.

"Yeah. Here. These are the tapes your mother sent me, when you were little. Also you had sent Aera's tapes one time, remember?", Maya asked as she motioned her head to the video tapes that were on the table.

"Yeah, I remember. Mom used to take videos and share the memories with you. After she died I wanted to do the same. But things got tougher. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry aunty", Jin said holding her hand.

"It's fine, Jin. Time changes. Things change", Maya said with a sad smile.

"Aunty, 4 more days. Just bear with it till your condition becomes stable to board the plane. You and Mina will be free from this place. I have arranged everything already", Jin said as he wiped the stray tear that left Maya's eyes.

"Thanks, Jinnie", Maya smiled.

"I'm offended", Jin smiled.

"I'll tell Mina to give you a video player", Maya said.

"You want to watch with us?", Jin asked.

Maya shook her head.

"I can't. Yunha's memories are still fresh. It's like reopening a wound for me. You guys watch these. I will be here with Mina", Maya said.

"Call us if you want anything", Jin said to Mina who was standing by the door.

He took the tapes and went out of the room.

Mina nodded as she followed him and to the store room.

She returned to the siblings room and gave him the player.

She went back to her mom's room.

"Hyung, what's this?", Jimin asked looking up from the laptop.

"I'll tell you. Tae, get the others here",Jin said as he set everything up.

Soon enough everyone started to pile in.

Aera entered the room, with a coat.

Due to the sudden change in surroundings, she started to get a sore throat by which cold and fever usually follows.

Before things could escalate any further, Jin gave her medicines.

Now she doesn't have a cold or fever.

Just a sore throat so bad that she finds it hard to even drink water.

"Is my baby fine?", He caressed her cheeks.

She nodded her head.

"Buns, come here", Jungkook called her.

She sat between him and Taehyung on the bed.

Jin sat between Namjoon and Yoongi.

"What's this, hyung?", Hobi asked.

"Our childhood video tapes. Mom used to send this to aunty", he said.

As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a sudden shift in the room.

He could feel it.

He looked at Aera.

"You want to watch it?", He asked.

"Please", her voice was rough.

She wanted to know more about her brother's childhood.

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