Chapter 32 - The G.O.A.T Skills Simulator

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A new system notification popped up once Zachary selected the accept button.


[G.O.A.T Skills Simulator]

[2 new messages]

[You have spent 2 Juju-points to activate the simulator for one hour.]

[The system's virtual reality simulation will activate in two minutes. Please lie down and ready yourself for the procedure.]


Zachary first locked the door of his bedroom, then closed the curtains before lying on his bed in a supine position. He calmed his mind and patiently waited for the two minutes to elapse.

When the countdown was over, new words started populating the user interface positioned at an oblique angle just before his face.


[G.O.A.T Skills Simulator activating]


[Connecting System Neural Interface]




Zachary's eyesight blurred as soon as the last message of the system appeared on the screen. Everything became fuzzy; then he saw nothing at all. His consciousness drifted through a space filled with a thick static. His heart pounded loudly, echoing in his ears, as he descended into a new reality. The feeling in his body drained away until finally, all was black.

When Zachary's eyes recovered, he was no longer in his room or lying on his bed. Instead, he was in a dark space with only the glowing blueish system interface in his sight.


The system notification sounded as new words populated the interface. Zachary blinked as his eyes adjusted to the lighting of the screen.


[G.O.A.T Skills Simulator]


[Mental Conditioning commencing...]


[Bend-it like Beckham Juju training packages loading...]


[Select the type of field surface to begin training the skill]

[a) Artificial turf]

[b) Natural turf]

[c) GrassMaster]



Zachary naturally selected the GrassMaster turf since it was the most common field surface type in Trondheim. It was a hybrid field surface achieved by combining natural grass with synthetic reinforcing fibers. Although he was in a simulation, Zachary wanted to train on a familiar pitch to master the Bend-it like Beckham Juju quickly.

As soon as his right finger left the system interface, a perfect green soccer pitch started forming beneath his feet. It spread out and covered more ground in the formerly dark virtual space.

In a matter of seconds, Zachary stood in a world of green with millions of perfect grass strands beneath his soccer boots. His clothing had even changed into his preferred style, a kit with a green jersey and matching boots. He stood in between the goalposts similar to two white towers planted at either side of the demarcated pitch.

The system simulator didn't allow him any ounce of time to orient himself to his surroundings. No sooner had the ground finished forming than Zachary felt the ground below his boots move, giving him a feeling of being on a travelator. He swiftly crossed the pitch and arrived before the 18-yard box of the empty field.

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