Chapter 65 - A Date With Marta

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After gobbling up his lunch, Zachary walked to a park, a short distance away from the hotel—and found Marta Romano waiting. Around her, wintry ice-laden trees swayed like graceful ballet dancers in the seasonal gusts. The Italian wore a dark brown overcoat, skin-tight jeans, and boots that shielded her from the cold weather.

"Have you been waiting for long?" Zachary asked, feeling a bit guilty. He feared that he was late, letting her wait in the harsh weather.

"No worries," she replied, flashing him a smile. "I just got here, only a minute ago." She gave him a simple hug.

"That's a relief." Zachary sighed, glancing at his watch. "I didn't expect you to arrive earlier than we agreed. Should we go now?"

Marta flashed him a smile in response.

And off they went on a tour of the city.

Zachary felt surprisingly warm in the sunshine and cold, despite the presence of the chilly north wind. After the relaxing massage, a walk through the city seemed like the best way to end his Friday.

"I watched your match yesterday," Marta began. "You remained on the bench the entire time." She added, inclining her head, to get a better look at his reaction. They walked on a path by a frozen river on the far side of the park.

"The coach decided I had to rest in preparation for the quarter-final," Zachary replied, his mind drifting. He mused on what a strange day it was to take a walk around Riga.

He watched the river on his right in passing. It appeared tranquil—yet still flowed lethargically under the ice, seemingly awaiting reinvigoration by the gentle touch of a warmer sun. Though the air bore the cold and the ground was completely frozen, the ice atop it sparkled with the gift of each nascent ray.

It was as if the creator (if there was one) had ensured there would be hope even on the most frigid of winter days. Zachary chose not to see the ice blanket but the life-filled water flowing deep underneath, ever onward to the distant ocean.

"Are you still with me?" Zachary's reverie was interrupted by Marta's voice as they trekked the footpath.

"Sorry," he said, shaking his head and focusing on the girl. "I was thinking about our loss against Genoa yesterday. It worries me." He lied. He couldn't tell her he was admiring a frozen river, rather than giving her his undivided attention. The loss was a credible excuse to avoid an awkward situation.

"Does it hurt when you lose a game?" She asked.

Zachary was confused by the question. He angled his head to get a better look at her, only to find her eyes filled with pure curiosity. "Of course, it's always painful to lose a game," he replied, deciding on humoring her. "Some players even cry after a loss. If I ever lost a final, I would be in the same boat—I think."

They continued making small talk as they walked, leaving the path by a river and joining a wide street. In the refreshing light of daytime, the streets had the hues of an artistic dream, soft yet bold pastels.

"Which part of Italy are you from?" Zachary inquired. He'd never really asked about her home. He wanted to keep the conversation flowing as they moved around the city, enjoying the sights and taking the occasional photograph.

"Milan," she replied, smiling.

"The home city of AC and Inter Milan!"

"Yes, the one, and only."

Zachary looked at her curiously. "Are you a fan of either of those teams?"

"When I was younger, I used to support AC Milan," Marta replied, sighing audibly.

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