Chapter 3 3rd person POV

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I don't own any of the characters. All rights go to Rick Riordan and J. K. Rowling. Except for the plot. That is mine.

Harry, Ron, Hermoine, and Ginny walked down the stairs. Well they practically ran down them hoping to catch a glimpse of this Percy guy. Fred and George beat them to it. You could hear Mrs. Weasley telling them off from upstairs.


The four reached the bottom of the stairway and Harry was pulled into a suffocating hug by Molly Weasley.

"Oh, Harry dear I hope you're all right. Dementors, I tell you. So tragic. Now all of you, into the kitchen. Time to eat. Oh, Percy!" A black haired kid who was helping set up looked over at her. "Introduce yourself."

He nodded then studied them. Harry was astounded! He couldn't have been more than 17! How could he possibly be a teacher?

He walked over to the group. Harry could tell Hermoine thought he was cute because she started blushing. Harry raised an eyebrow at him and he cocked his head.

"My name's Percy Jackson. And you all are?"

Harry thought it was peculiar he asked his name but he had an American accent. Maybe Americans didn't know who he was. Well Harry was perfectly fine not being famous for once so he said first, "I'm Harry Potter."

He nodded then moved on. After the rest had told him their name, it was time to eat.

At the table, Percy was all smiles and laughter. He shared a few stories and everyone else did as well. Almost everyone in the room knew he had been through much-to much-so they never pestered him. Hermoine would not stop staring. She was getting slightly annoying. Ron kept frowning and Harry kept laughing at her. Percy was oblivious. He fit in well with the adults and just as well if not better with the younger kids. But the whole time there was a single question on everyone's mind. What is Percy teaching?

Finally, sensing our distress at something, Percy asked and Hermoine answered back, "What subject are you teaching?"

He smiled and tilted his head as if it was obvious. "Defenseless Against the Dark Arts, of course. And the Ministry was not happy Dumbledore found someone to take the job."

"Why not?" Ginny asked.

Percy got an amused expression and leaned forward, causing us to as well. "They think Dumbledore wants to take over the Ministry. And if he can teach the class, he could raise an army." He leaned back.

"But the Ministry mind you, does not give up so easily. Oh no. They found a way to control it. Yes but, we'll have to find a way around that I suppose." At these words the kids laughed and Percy earned a frown from Mrs. Weasley. But it soon changed into a smile.

"Yes well, what do they expect, messing with Dumbledore? Roses? Forgiveness letters? A massive apology saying, "I was wrong about You-Know-Who! Please forgive me!" And him to be done with it? Not with Dumbledore I assure you. Oh no. Not with him."

Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermoine glanced at each other and burst out in laughter. Percy looked confused.


"Percy," Harry started. "There's no class called Defenseless Against the Dark Arts! It Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

The whole group of youths were laughing until they saw Percy's straight face. He closed his eyes, then opened them slowly. He took a deep breath as if trying to control himself.

Then he said, "That's where you're all wrong." They had stopped laughing now. "The Ministry, as I told you, is interfering with Hogwarts. DADA is the original Defense class, but this year it's all notes. Defenseless class is for actually fighting and preparation. But it's not exactly normal fighting is it?" Percy mused.

"Well than what is it?" Hermoine asked, dumbfounded.

Percy winked. "Can't tell you. Wait and see." And with that he went off to bed leaving behind six very confused people. Molly laughed.

"Off to bed with you lot as well. Train comes tomorrow. Best be ready."

Percy Jackson-The New Hogwarts TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now