Chapter 16- Switching POVs

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Congrats to:

@kaleigh_belz and @arfavret21

For guessing the nick names. Kaleigh was the very first before I realized that there were actually four so I included her.

Tbh I was thinking Seaweed Brain, Kelp Head, Persassy, and Prissy. I guess I need to be more pacific next time.

I'll take all the answers as a "keep doing Q's" thing.

Thanks for participating guys!


Now onto the story.

Hermione's POV

I admit. I was excited for OWLs. But I think I did well on most. Yet in Arithmancy I mixed up two of them and now I think I might have failed that OWL. I hope not!

DLADA class didn't have an OWL seeing as it's new to Hogwarts, so we just had a small exam. I think I did well. At least I didn't drop my sword like Neville, the poor guy. The best in class would probably be Harry, Draco, Seamus, Ron, me, Crabbe, Goyle, then the rest. Neville isn't the worst, but he's definitely not the best. But he's doing fantastic in DA club. I'm actually worried about why, but Harry says Neville's OK and that he spoke to him about it. It's "family issues". Neville's parents were tortured by Death Eaters. The one that did it escaped Azkaban. No wonder he feels so upset.

In other news, S.P.E.W. is going well. I got a new member yest---...

Percy's POV

The kids did wonderful in the exam. I was astounded by the levels I saw in them. Some amazing, some OK, some that couldn't hold a sword, and some that made my archery look flawless.

Yeah. That bad.

I've been keeping an eye on Harry ever since Annabeth told me her dream. I asked Ron about it and he said that Occlumency lessons were supposed to help with that. Being a demigod, I knew better than to expect results. Especially against Dark Wizards. I just needed to watch out for him while he was vulnerable. It kept me alert for more danger, even though I was exhausted. I set up a charm so anyone leaving or entering the castle would awaken me and I could see who they were.

Without telling Umbridge I did so of course.

It got annoying on Hogsmeade weekends.

Speaking of Hogsmeade, I still haven't congratulated Harry for the Quibbler a while back. Need to do that soon.

I'm also extremely glad that I hadn't put my name anywhere with DA, for Umbridge had discovered it. Dumbledore fled and I'd been questioned like all staff and many students. How much truth potion does Snape have? Then again, he did say he was giving fake potion to her often. I wondered if I got real or fake. I knew nothing so I couldn't answer anything valuable. She asked me about Sirius Black as well. I thought of her meaning and took it to mean "Where's Sirius Black in Hogsmeade?" By doing that I could counter it well. She should be more descriptive.

I was eating dinner in the Great Hall with Annabeth beside me, when I heard a noise.

It was faint. Faint to the point only I made it out. I heard it again. This time closer. Now Annabeth heard it. We excused ourselves and went outside. Sure enough, monsters. Annabeth and I glanced at each other before going into battle.

It was small. Only about a hundred or so. But half of those hundred were more fearsome than the rest. We cut through the ranks like butter. Our blades the knife. Soon there was only one left. We caught it and got what we could out of its mouth before it was destroyed.

"He's going to win. Harry Potter can only do so much. He won't succeed on his own. The Dark Lord shall conquer all!"

Let's just say we'd heard enough. It stopped threatening.

I had to tell McGonagall.

Hey guys. So the schedule is up in my profile. I update this on Thursdays unless I change it. Chapters will be shorter, but more frequent I guess.

Question time:

What do you call the thing Dumbledore and Harry use often throughout book 6?

Probably won't do a shoutout for this one. But still answer if you know.

Love y'all


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