Chapter 12 Hermoine's POV

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I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson no matter how much I want to. Those belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling. I only own the plot.

OMGssssssss (Oh My Gods) 3K readers!!!!! I love you all so much. Thank you! Now onto the thing you actually came onto Wattpad for.

"A demigod," I said timidly.

Percy looked at me, then nodded slowly. I almost fainted inwardly. I thought the Greek Myths were... Well myths! How is he a demigod? Another question struck me.

"Who's you godly parent?" I asked.

He smiled then answered, "Poseidon. God of the sea, horses, earthquakes, etc."

I felt my mouth drop open. I think Harry and Ron were still in the demigod phase. Their faces were punched in confusion. I shook my head and explained it to them. Their expressions soon cleared up.

"So," Harry began, "you're half-god?"

"Yep," was Percy's reply. "That's why wands aren't as natural to me. Sword fighting is just... easier. Anyway that's why Dumbledore wanted me here. Now you guys can't tell anyone about this, okay? No one can know. Albus doesn't want the news to get out there. He said something about Voldemort, but he wound elaborate on it. All he said was: 'family will look after family, but it will also take the other for their own use.' Not really sure what to make of that. I just hope a noseless guy ain't my grandpa. That'd be creepy. Then I'd have two!"

I think I was starting to understand Dumbledore's wanting Percy here. And definitely more than one reason fit into it. But the only thing I said was:


"Yeah two."

Then he explained the while godly side of his family including a cyclops named Tyson, his evil grandpa, and his evil great grandmother. Then he explained his life as a demigod at Ron and Harry's urging. I was shocked. He's been through so much. And he didn't seem frightened when he talked about Tartarus. It was like nothing could scare him anymore. He was so brave and loyal and kind and caring and... I'm rambling, aren't I?

Back to the present.

Percy led us up to the castle, gave Harry his cloak, reminded us to keep the secret, and then he was off, doing whatever it is he does.

We went up to the Common Room unnoticed, and started talking about him in hushed voices. I couldn't stop praising him. Harry was impressed, but more controlled. And Ron... Well Ron was talking about how he didn't eat as much since The Pit. He had wondered why someone would let such good food not be inserted into their gut. I mumbled something about boys before heading up to bed.

I had a feeling tomorrow would be exhausting. I had no idea how right I would be.

Once again I was soooo close to stopping here. You're welcome you guys.

I woke up the next morning unable to find Harry or Ron. In fact, I couldn't find a single Weasley. I went to Professor Dumbledore and asked and he told me about Harry having a dream last night. Christmas Break had started, so Percy had been able to accompany them the Number 12 Grimmauld Place. I looked forward to seeing them there. I just hope Mr. Weasley would be alright.

Block so stopping here. What do you guys think Dumbledore meant by that? Your answers may or may not affect what happens. Depends on what they are. I'm still at a block you guys so sorry sorry sorry for the short chapter, but I can't think. Please give me some more ideas y'all. K?

Love you


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