Chapter Four

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It's been a few days since then, Sian got the job but just like the original she asked us to please not say anything to Yul or Yuri in this case.

She looks so happy, I'm so proud of her...

She jumps around content , Hyun looks at me confused and I shrug.

"Why are you so happy?" Hyun asks

"My manager complemented me" Sian says happily skipping around

"Way to go Sian!" I say giving a thumbs up

We stop walking at the sight of Yul with a random boy.

"c'mon baby lets go to the movies, just me and you" the random boy says touching his hair

"I already told you I have strict parents!" Yul says slapping the boys hand away.

"That's what you always say- are you messing with me!?"

As he finishes I watch Sian run down, Hyun yelling after her.


Hyun stares at me horrified 

"what? I'm encouraging her"

I look back down to see that she actually pushed him over!?


She runs up the iron stairs with Yul by hand. 

"yes! yes! you go girl!" I yell raising my arms up

ah, here's another important part, crying.

"Are you okay!?" Sian asks Yul, grabbing his hands, blood spills from his lips.

"O-oh no you're bleeding! I'll go get some bandages hold on-" Sian runs towards a random direction

"I'll come with you" I say running after her.


When we came back there was an awkward vibe coming from both Yul and Hyun, I'm guessing that another important part just passed by, this is the part where Yul threatens Hyun.  

"here for your lip" says Sian giving the box of bandages to Yul

"thanks sunbae! I'll treasure these forever!" Yul says hugging them tight.

"well, we're off now bye" Sian says walking away with Yul.

"Bye!" I wave my hand.

"Y/n..." Hyun says her voice sounding concerned and worried.

I turn to her "what's up?"

"I'" she says dropping to the ground.

I rush to her "why? what happened?"

"Yuri..she's just so..weird! I don't know what to do anymore!"

"what do you mean? did something happen while I was gone?"

"I told her that she couldn't fool me...that I knew that something was wrong with her...and she she said that....she didn't care about what I that Sian's rejected her she can't be mean-...ugh y/n what am I supposed to do? she's my best friend..oh no!"

"Hey, hey! it's okay! she'll be okay I promise!" I pat her back

"no! it won't it's not! I'm so scared I don't know what to do! I know you weren't with us long enough I know it might not be any of your business but we need to do something...anything to make Sian see that Yuri isn't the person she says she is"

"come on now! of course it's my business I might've not been here for long but I still care deeply for both of you and I agree that we need to do something, don't worry your not alone Sian's bound to see it someday right?"

Hyun sighs "I guess so but still..."

"Nothing bad will happen to Sian I promise, I won't let anything happen to her so don't stress about it okay?"

She gives me a weak smile "okay"


I walk into the restaurant where Sian works at, I want to encourage her any chance I get. 

I sit down and wait for her to show up, a few minutes and she's here.

"How's work?" I ask her , she smiles weakly

hm...did she fight with Yujin?

"It's okay I guess...what do you want to eat?"

"Sian, are you alright? you seem down"

"huh? oh it's nothing just tell me what you want"

"mm..a chicken salad"

"what will the drink be?"

"coke no ice please"

"okay, I'll be back with your food enjoy your stay" she bows down and takes another persons order.

A few minutes later and I hear a dish crash onto the floor, I turn to where it came from and it's Sian.

I see her manager or whatever she is bend down and whisper something to her, it must've been something horrible because Sian looked extremely overwhelmed and sad. 

I walk over to her and start to pick up the dish's parts

"Y/n what are you doing?" Sian says her voice cracking up

"I'm help you clean this up" I say collecting almost all the parts.

"you don't have was my mistake after all"

"so what? you're my friend aren't you? this is what friends do"

she smiles weakly "thanks y/n-"


We both turn to see who it is....

and of course it's Yul.

𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 / 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓮 𝓨𝓾𝓵 𝓧 𝓨𝓷Where stories live. Discover now