Chapter Eight

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was I too harsh to him? maybe I should've done things better, no y/n if you hadn't done it you would've been dead.

I sigh, "you've been sighing a lot Y/n, is something wrong?" Sian asks sitting next to me on the bed

"Ah! me? no, I just don't get my homework so..." 

"Oh what part? maybe I can help?"

"N-no I'm fine thanks.."

"what are you guys talking about?" Hyun says sitting on the other side of Sian

"Y/n is having homework trouble haha"

"is that so? why don't you just do it in class? I mean that's what I do"

"I can't learn things and do my homework at the same time, I'd go insane!" 

"talking about Insane...where's Yuri? I haven't seen her all day...not that I care anyway!" 

"Now that you mention it....I haven't seen her come out of the apartment all day"

"maybe she's sick...?" 

"I hope not, she's really sweet..."

I gulp as I feel an overwhelming guilt takes over me.

I know I shouldn't feel guilty but still....did I really take it too far? 

"Anyway" Sian starts again

"me and Yujin are going to go out..-"

Hyun jumps out of her seat making the both of us flinch, "WHAT!? Oh my gosh shanshan where'd you get all this confidence from!?"

"Like a date?" I say excited 

"N-no! nothing like that! stop overreacting guys he's just going to help me get through the crowds...which are full of men!"

"Either way shanshan, you're going to need these!" Hyun walks out of my room then comes back with a load of dresses and skirts

"I'm not wearing that! I haven't worn one in a while I'll look weird!"

"Eun Sian! Whether it's a date or some hang out you should still dress nicely! we only have one life right?"

"mm...I guess so.."

"trust me Sian you'll look great! his eyes are gonna pop out of his skull!"

"that's so gross y/n!"

I started to laugh and soon, all of us were laughing.


"Before you leave, make sure to water the plants at the front y/n!" my manager says as I leave the building

"yes ma'am I'll get it done right away!" I say quickly getting the water can, filling it up with water,  and taking it to the front.

As I'm watering the plants I look at how lovely everything looks in this world, I still can't believe I'm actually here. 

I look to my right side and spot two people- they look a little too much like Sian and Yujin, then I realize it is them.

this is the part where they kiss right?! oo! I wanna see! 

I slightly tilt over to see them clearly when someone blocks my view.

A tall man dressed in all black with a cap on, I'd recognize that hair anywhere.

It's Yul.

I mean, at least he didn't blackmail Yujin...right?

I frowned, why? I don't know but suddenly I get an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

why am I so sad all of a sudden?....oh yeah that's right! because I have a thing for yanderes.

I tilt over a little more and see that they're kissing, my heart nearly bursts from the romance potential it has.

When they pull out, Yujin hugs Sian then picks her up and starts twirling her around.

My sight goes back to Yul, he backs away a little then fully turns around and starts running toward me.

oh shoot! should I run away? what if he has a knife this time oh no he's coming h-

I close my eyes and feel his presence pass me, after a few seconds I open my eyes again and watch as he turns to a corner.

I place the water can down and hurry after him.

Once I turn the corner I realize that I'm at the same passage way as before, I look around to find him and he's at the very end of it.

He's curled up with his hands on his head and his knees up to his face, I approach him carefully.

"Yul...?" I say getting closer, I start to hear his sobs

"noona...noona...why?...why do you keep changing..!?"

he continues, "it hurts so much...noona please...come back.."

I frown hard, I feel so bad for him...I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Yul..."

he turns around and slaps my hand away hard


"why are you here!? to make more fun of me!?"

"no I just, I-"

"I don't want to hear it! you're just doing it out of pity! well guess what!? I don't need your sympathy!"

"Yul hear me out for a second-"

"NO! I don't want to! leave me alone! this is all your fault!" he stands up and starts to swing at me.

I dodge as much as I can but his long nails manage to scratch me twice

"ow! ow! look I'm sorry okay!? sorry that I want my best friend to be happy! To overcome her fears with someone she feels safe with and hasn't hurt her in any way rather than someone who made her fear even worse!"


"Yul please understand that all she's ever wanted was to be safe!"


"I won't! not until you understand that what you're doing is wrong!"



he quickly grabs my shoulders and pushes me onto the wall, luckily my head doesn't hit the wall as well.




I stay still and remain quiet.

he slowly slides down and curls up into the same position, I slide down with him.

"she...she's the only one for me...and I'm the only one for her...we were meant for each why?..."

"she's the only one who knows what it's like to pretend....the only one..."

he sobs

"I love her...she's the only one who didn't view me as disgusting, she didn't run away once I told her that I was actually a boy..."

"...she said I was so much more than just a pretty boy..."


Finally after much silence I speak again "Yul..." I hug him, he starts to struggle but stops once I say the following words:

"I think you're more than just a pretty boy."

𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 / 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓮 𝓨𝓾𝓵 𝓧 𝓨𝓷Where stories live. Discover now