Chapter Five

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Sian panics, "Yuri?!" she says standing up, I stand up too.

"Table for...?" a waiter asks standing in between us, I immediately reply "she's with me"

"ah in that case sit down over there" the waiter points to where I was sitting

Yul gives me a pissed off look and walks over to the table, I turn to Sian.

"I'll talk to her don't worry" she smiles and nods.

I take a seat across from Yul, he looks so angry that his face is showing his manly side.

"eh..there's a reason why she didn't want you to know she had a job-"

"quiet! I don't want to hear anything from you!" he slams his fists onto the table.

I get startled and stay quiet, only for a bit though

"I promise she wasn't doing it to ignore you or anything...she's just been stressed out you know?" 

"I told you to be QUI-" I cover his mouth and make a 'shh' sound, he takes my hand away and looks the other way.

I frown, "please try to understand...she never meant to hurt you"

"hah! hurt? who says I'm hurt!? don't act like you know me!"

"I'm not but I know that it must hurt, just be patient yeah?"

His eyebrows relax only just a bit, "I'll try..." I give him a warm smile and nod.


As I finish my salad I see that Yul hasn't even touched his spaghetti or drunk his drink, he was just focused on Sian who was angerly talking to Yujin. 

This must be the part where he can't stand her going into contact with a man...jeez

Sian came over to our table and crouched down beside Yul, "you haven't even touched something wrong?"

Yul didn't respond, she continued "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner...I was just so busy..."

"We were supposed to go to the movies today...." Yul finally said I could see him tremble

"I know, and I'm sorry"

"I-if you're truly sorry then...let's go somewhere this weekend...unless you're too busy.."

Sian's face becomes filled with guilt, "No no! I'm so sorry I made you feel this way! let's go somewhere together okay? this week! how about the movies?"

Yul's face beams with excitement, "Okay! Deal!"

"Making plans for the weekend?" Yujin says we all turn to look at him.

"Wanna join us?" Yul says flirtingly, Yujin looks like he's about to explode, "r-really?! sure!"

I wanna go too aaaaa....I wanna see another important moment

"Do you wanna join us too?" Yul asked, it surprised me

"Really? um..okay!" I happily reply

that's weird...but to be honest he probably wants me there for Yujin

 "Of course! The more the merrier!" he fake smiles at me, I get chills.

"Alright then it's settled! let's have fun this weekend!" Sian said with a smile, her smiles are so comforting.


I check my phone to see Sian's message- she said she would be here in 10 minutes, it's been a little more than that and I can't help but feel awkward next to this giant golden retriever.

I take a peek at him, saying he overdressed is an understatement, but with a face like that he could fool anyone not me though.

He looks back at me and I quickly look away.

"Hey..." he starts and I jump, "yes?" 

"How do you know Sian?" 

make up a lie y/n quickly!

"Oh um...we met when we were-" 

Just then we see Sian walk in with Yul wrapped around her arm.

I wave at her, she sees me and waves back.

She walks up to us, "What took you so long?" I ask "I was just deciding on what to wear..." she replies.

"I'm surprised you even have selections" Yujin says, his voice sounds annoyed

"like you can talk!" Sian says back angerly

I chuckle, then turn to Yul...he's got 'that' face again

"I like your dress" I say to him, he looks at me and his face turns from completely pissed off to all smiley and bright. 

"Thanks, I wore it just for Sian" he twirls around, I can't help but find it cute

"We have an hour 'till the movie, do you guys wanna spend it on the arcade?" Sian says, we all nod.

Yul turns to Yujin and asks him to go get change, I feel bad for Yujin- he's about to suffer a lot.


We're about 30 minutes in and I could tell that Yujin was tired as hell

"Yujin I'm very thirsty would you mind getting me a drink?" Yul asks Yujin, Yujin is clearly pissed but can't complain nods his head and goes get it.

"Why don't you do with him too y/n? I'm sure he'd love your company!" Yul says to me, I look at Sian and her eyes tell me that I shouldn't, so I shake my head and say "I'm okay here"

Yul looks at me a bit annoyed but then goes back to playing games with Sian and ignoring me.

We're all standing against a wall waiting for Yujin to come, I hear Yul mumble something but I don't quite hear it so I turn to look at him and he's hugging Sian.

"This is unfair sunbae you should only be hanging out with me!!~" 

Sian laughs, "what are you talking about yuri?"

Just then, a guy approaches us, "excuse I have your number?" he says scratching his head

Oh this is the part where Sian is the one getting asked out!

"Hello? excuse me..?" he says again, pointing to Sian this time, Sian stays still, as still as a rock.

"I'm sorry but we're only here to see a movie not make plans for a date" Yul says getting in between them

"I'm not asking you! I'm asking your friend!" 

"yeah, and my friend said she doesn't want it- your number that is" I say stepping up

"she hasn't even said anything! can she even talk?" 

"Dude just let us watch the movie and go on with your day" 

accept the L bro...

That's when the guy pushes pass Yul and tries to grab Sian, Sian's face turns into fear, I'm ready to give the guy another one of my super pushes but Yujin get's there first.

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