•Chapter 4: Reviving the Love•

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Chapter 4: Reviving the Love


As I wearily approached the elevator in my apartment building, the stark contrast between the cold, sterile hallway and the searing pain in my busted and bleeding lip was impossible to ignore. The events of the day played on a loop in my mind, the memory of Jimin's clenched fist striking my face as fresh as the wound itself.

Jimin's bitter words cut through me like a knife, and they echoed in my ears with relentless insistence, each syllable etching deeper into my conscience, serving as a constant reminder of the destruction I had wrought.

"How can you be so selfish? You didn't think about Sua once," Jimin had shouted, his voice dripping with frustration and disappointment.

"How heartbroken she would be after knowing this about you," the accusation hanging heavily in the air.

"She deserves to know," he yelled, his anger shaking the very foundation of our friendship.

"Please, Jiminah, I beg you," I had pleaded, my voice quivering, desperation evident in every syllable.

Jimin's response had been nothing short of an emotional assault. "Look at yourself, Taehyung. This is not how Hyung's raised you," the venom in his tone stinging like salt in an open wound.

"You don't deserve Sua," he declared, not holding back, his words cutting through me like glass.

"You will lose her in this. If you don't quit now," he warned, the finality of his statement sending a chill down my spine.

The mere thought of losing her was unbearable.

"Please, don't tell anyone about this. I beg you, I love her I can't lose her" I'd pleaded, almost whispered.

Jimin's gaze was unwavering. "Only on one condition. If you leave this forever."

My resolve trembled, and I disputed, "What do you think? That I want to continue it forever? No, I want to stop it as well, but-"

Jimin's eyes softened briefly as if he understood my struggle. "You have to quit it for sua. Your love"

"I will. I have to" I promised, feeling the gravity of the second chance hanging in the air.

But Jimin's tone turned serious as he issued a final warning, "But if I witness you doing it again, it won't take me a minute to reveal everything to Sua."

My thoughts were cut short by the chiming of the elevator, its sound an eerie prelude to the impending tempest that was about to descend upon our lives.

Stepping into the elevator, the gravity of my actions bore down on me like an unbearable burden. The recent days had proven to be a true nightmare, and today's incident had been the unwelcome cherry on top of it all.

My team had set a target for me: to record at least three songs, a goal I had yet to achieve. The weight of my disappointed aspirations hung heavily over my shoulders. Bang PD's stern scolding still echoed in my ears, a constant reminder of my failure. His words had cut deeper than I cared to admit, hitting at the core of my self-worth.

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