•Chapter 14:Whispers of Vulnerability•

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Chapter 14: Whispers of Vulnerability


The door sighed softly behind me, and the muted hum of home greeted my return, unexpected in my earliness due to the canceled client meeting. I was Eager for a quiet moment after a hectic day.

I anticipated a glass of water, but as I entered the kitchen, my eyes fell upon Taehyung, completely engrossed in the spreading jam on a slice of bread. However, an unexpected tremble in his typically steady hands caught my attention, prompting a concerned frown to crease my brow.

I couldn't help but observe the tension etched across his face, with beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. He seemed so absorbed that he didn't notice anything around him.

Behind him, wisps of smoke lazily rose from the toaster, yet Tae remained unaware, lost in the cocoon of his thoughts.

"Taehyung" I call, the sound of my voice causing him to visibly startle, with surprise and unease swirling in his gaze.

Taking charge, I moved behind him, swiftly turning off the toaster, and disposing of the charred bread in the dustbin.

"you came early" His words stumbled, a visible surprise etched across his features at my early return.

"The meeting got delayed so I thought to get back home early" I explained softly, my eyes flickering to his hands, which betrayed a subtle tremor

"Where were you so engrossed that you didn't notice the smoke?" I questioned while opening the kitchen window to let the lingering smell disperse.

"Sorry... I didn't notice," he admitted, his gaze avoiding mine while spreading jam hurriedly on the already overflowing bread.

A heavy sigh escaped me as I studied him with concern. "Tae, what's on your mind? You look lost"

"Nothing," His response was dismissive yet there was an undeniable tension in his demeanor.

My frown deepened. "Stop it." As my fingers attempted to grasp his shaky hand, I was met with an unexpected warmth that sent a shiver down my spine.

Fever had taken hold of him!

"Taehyung, you're burning up!" I gasped, my fingers instinctively reaching to check his forehead.

He hesitated, pulling away. "It's nothing. Just tired, babe. Nothing serious," he reassured me, but his eyes betrayed a deeper struggle that begged to be acknowledged.

Concern blossomed into a delicate mix of worry and compassion. "Tae, you're not just tired. You're literally burning up,"

In an attempt to deflect, he offered a weak smile. "I'll be fine in a few hours. I just took medicine, don't worry."

"But-" I began, only to be interrupted by a glass of water he handed me, a silent plea to put a pause on my worries.

I sighed, fully aware of his preference to de-emphasize his well-being. I knew he wrestled with challenges related to his upcoming album, which explained his current state.

Wanting to help him release the burden of stress, I also recognized the complicatedness of understanding the struggles of an artist when you're not one yourself.

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