•Chapter 12: Stalker's Symphony•

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Chapter 12: Stalker's Symphony


The rhythmic thuds of my fists colliding with the punching bag echoed in the gym, mirroring the turmoil within me. Each punch carried the weight of my frustration, anger, and self-loathing.

My mind was a chaotic swirl of emotions, a tumultuous sea of regret, guilt, and anger.

I replayed the moment when I called Sua after missing her award function. "You disappointed me, Taehyung," The accusation struck deep, reverberating with the echoes of Bang PD's harsh critique and Producer Park's disappointment.

I lashed out at her in frustration, spewing words that I instantly regretted. My attempt to numb my pain led to inflicting wounds upon the one person who had been my constant source of support. Guilt clawed at me, but the damage was done.

Flashbacks of the missed award ceremony intensified my wrath. The temptation of numbing the pain had led me astray, creating a rift between us.

I was angry at myself for not being there, for not mustering the strength to push through my own disruption and support the person who meant the world to me. But last night, I was lost in my own darkness, seeking relief in the destructive embrace of numbness.

Returning home, the anger escalated when I discovered she had gone out alone at night without guards. My warnings about the dangers of doing so had been met with defiance too many times. Tonight was the last straw.

When I arrived home at 2:40 in the morning, there was no sign of her. She had turned off the car trackers and her phone was off. Panic gripped me as I searched for her, my mind conjuring images of potential dangers in the dark, deserted streets.

The guards finally revealed they found her at an abandoned beach. My anger transformed into sheer worry. In a world where our every move was scrutinized and threats loomed, her safety was my paramount concern.

And Watching the video of her reckless drive intensified my anxieties. The car teetering on the edge of disaster, narrowly avoiding a collision with a truck, sent shivers down my spine. The realization of how close she came to danger tightened the knot in my chest.

In the gym, my fists continued their assault on the punching bag, each striking a desperate attempt to release the pent-up emotions. Guilt gnawed at me as I thought about her alone at the beach, surrounded by the darkness and potential threats.

She was my weakness, my vulnerability, and the fear of losing her gripped me in an iron hold.

As the sweat dripped down my face, mingling with the storm of emotions, I acknowledged the shattered bonds between us. The promises were broken, the trust strained, and the love tested. I longed to mend what was broken, but the path back seemed obscured by the shadows of our own mistakes.

My rhythmic assault on the punching bag abruptly ceased as someone barged inside disrupting the privacy of the gym. Turning, still adorned with my boxing gloves, I discovered Sua standing at the doorway, a palpable fear reflected in her eyes, her hand tightly clutching an envelope.

Concern etched lines on my forehead, I discarded the boxing gloves before. Closing the distance swiftly, a surge of emotions churned within me.

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