•Chapter 6: Hidden Truths Unraveled•

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Chapter 6: Hidden Truths Unraveled


The car ride felt heavy with silence after Jimin's call. Taehyung gripped the steering wheel tightly, his gaze fixed on the road, lost in his thoughts.

"Tae, is your argument with Jimin is really serious?" I broke the silence, hoping to gain his attention.

He glanced at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions, before refocusing on the road. "Huh, no, it's nothing to worry about," he replied, offering me a weak smile.

His fingers reached out and intertwined with mine, a small gesture of comfort.

I couldn't help but notice that his hand felt clammy, and I frowned. "Why is your hand so sweaty, Tae?" I asked, wiping the beads of sweat from his neck.

The air conditioner in the car was cranked to its highest setting, causing an arctic chill to fill the vehicle. Taehyung looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"Ah, maybe the air conditioner needs servicing," he mumbled, attempting to deflect my concern.

"But-" I started to speak, but he cut me off.

"I should inform them to start dinner. Today is Saturday, so we might encounter traffic on the way," Taehyung said, changing the subject and avoiding further discussion.

I nodded, understanding his attempt to navigate the conversation away from the tension.

We settled into a comfortable silence once more, the soothing melodies from the music filling the air around us.

"Sorry for spoiling your mood," he apologized.

"you didn't spoil my mood," I reassured him with a smile, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "I was just worried."

He turned to me, his lips curving into a warm smile. "No need to bother about it. Jimin can't stay angry with me for a long time," he said, his eyes reflecting a deep tenderness.

"Of course, he can't live without his soulmate," I teased, making him chuckle softly, and for a moment, the tension in the car seemed to dissipate.

we finally arrived at the restaurant, our beloved gathering place, owned by Jimin's dad. It held a special place in our hearts because it guaranteed us the privacy we cherished.

While we sometimes met elsewhere, but this place allowed us to be carefree, unlike other locations where we had to consider numerous circumstances, especially guarding BTS's privacy.

As we strolled towards the elevator, our destination was the exclusive 3rd floor, thoughtfully reserved by Jimin for our gatherings.
This floor was a haven for us, featuring a spacious dining room, a cozy mini bar, a gaming area, a karaoke section, and even a few bedrooms.

As we entered the floor, the soft glow of the chandeliers cast an inviting radiance upon the long, polished wooden table.

Our friends, including the entire BTS group, Lisa, Nayeon, and Yeji, were gathered around, engrossed in their meals and sharing hearty laughter.

"Hey, guys," I greeted.

In unison, their eyes turned toward Taehyung and then shifted to me, welcoming me with a collective gaze of affection.

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