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Thomas watched from where he sat with Rose and the Dawsons' roommate as Eve danced with Fabrizio and Helga. A large grin was on her lips and a laugh of pure happiness bubbles out of her throat before being drowned by the music and chatting. Her body moved with the music, though it looked like she didn't know the steps.

An Irish accent thicker than his came loudly toward him as its owner placed four glasses of beer on the table. "Aye, you must be the Thomas Andrews our Eve talks about all the time. Tommy Ryan."

The two men shook hands, Thomas picked up a beer and sipped. "Nice to meet you!" He shouted over the music. The music faded as the dance ended before starting right back up again with a different tune. Eve giggled as Fabri seized her by the shoulders and planted several kisses on her cheeks.

"Okay! Okay, Fabri! Please, enough!" She shouted as she pushed the man away gently. A smile on her face. "Have fun with Helga."

"Divertimento!" The man yelled, taking his woman in his arms. (Fun)

"Divertimento!" Eve laughed, weaving her way through the crowd. "Cora!" (Fun)

The little girl, not older than six, looked towards the blonde, her rosy red face lighting. "Aunt Eve!"

Cora barreled into Eve, her tiny arms around her waist. Eve returned the hug before whispering something in her ear and walking to Thomas. She stood behind his chair, leaning over his shoulder, and grabbed the beer before him.

She chugged the beer, downing the rest of it. Thomas was stunned stiff, raised eyebrows and a slacked jaw.

Eve just smirked, pulling him up out of his seat, and proceeded to take off his jacket. "Dance with me, Thomas."

"I—I don't know the steps." The man stuttered as she hung his jacket off his chair.

"Nobody does, Thomas. Just go with it." She said, looseing his dress shirt before pulling him into the crowd. "Don't think, just move."

The young woman boldly placed his arm around her waist while one of their hands locked together and her other gripped his shoulder. They started to move, galloping and spinning in circles around the room, passing each other like horses and cars on the streets.

As they danced, their skin became shiny with sweat, and Eve's hair partially fell out of her bun. They moved like water together, their faces mere inches apart, and their laughter was mixed.

Evangeline noticed Helga and Fabrizio move onto the makeshift stage. Claps and hoots of passengers echoed as the band played faster and louder. She tugged Thomas towards it.

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