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Her body felt numb as thousands upon thousands of knives pierced her body. The water was so cold, below freezing, seeping into her bones. Her hand was ripped away from Jack's when the ship went down, sucking her down with it.

She didn't have a lifebelt as Rose does, so she kicked and swam with everything she had. Her lungs were on fire; her arms moved as she swam toward the surface. She gasped, her lungs filling with crisp freezing air that almost hurt to breathe.

It was pure chaos around her, people screaming, their limbs flailing around. The people were mostly men and third-class—her people, floating in the frigid vast ocean, waiting to die.

Her breath came out in puffs of clouds, and her body felt like ice. She looked around her brother and Rose, frantically calling their names.

"Jack! Rose!" She screamed over the thousands of people screaming. "Jackson! Rose!"

Not less than a yard away was Rose in the mists of the chaos. She was screaming for the Dawsons; her body was floating with the help of the lifebelt. Eve swam with everything she had, spotting the young woman.

"Rose!" She shouted, causing the redhead to be frail-looking for her.

Rose spotted her, reaching out for her friend and grabbing her hand. "Oh, thank god. Evangeline!"

"Come on," Eve said, dragging the woman along.

Suddenly, Rose was ripped away from her by a man who didn't know how to swim, panicked, and pushed Rose into the water. Eve tried to get the man off her friend, shouting at him, but he wouldn't budge. He was far too panicked to hear her.

"Eve!" Rose yelled every time she made it back up. "Jack!"

A few feet away was Jack, who heard his sister and lover yelling, quickly swam over and punched the man in the face. "Let go of her!" He demanded.

"Jack!" Eve and Rose shouted.

Jack grabbed ahold of Rose's lifebelt, pushing her forward before grabbing his sister's hand and dragging her along with them. "Swim, Rose! I need you to swim! Eve, come on!"

The trio swam through the icy waters, through the crowd, until they spotted a floating door. Jack tried getting Rose, which was successful, before trying to get his sister on.

But unfortunately, the door tilted and almost sank. He quickly righted it. Eve instructed Rose to get out the door—which made Jack refuse, but the younger twin had a plan.

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