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April 13th, 1912

Atlantic Ocean

The morning of Saturday, April 13th, was uneventful. It seemed that Thomas was busy with a few things on the ship, leaving Eve wandering by herself. Jack was preoccupied with whole things with Rose, leaving her alone.

Currently, she was sitting on the bench on the poop deck, knees curled to her chest. Her notebook resting on her lap, its pages fluttering on the wind as she draws. Smudges of black charcoal covered her hands and fingertips as she smoothed in a few lines.

Instead of the usual ship drawing, this one was of Jack and Rose. They were in the position they were last night when Rose had fallen in her brother's arms. Eve wasn't as good as Jack when it came to people drawing, but she was decent enough to capture the finest details.

During lunch, Eve ate with Tommy, Fabri, and Helga. She chatted, well tried chatting with Helga, even though she couldn't understand her. She sipped her tea as she grabbed the piece of bread from her Italian friend and took a bite out of it.

After lunch, she headed up to the promenade deck and, luckily, not being caught. Eve approached the ship's bow when she heard a familiar voice above her.

"Andrews!" The shill of Ismay invaded her ears. "What in the hell were you doing with that steerage last night?"

"Steerage? What are you on about, Bruce." Thomas's voice replied.

"That girl, man! Miss. Dawson, her name was. The one that was dining with us yesterday night." Ismay says, his voice is hard.

"Eve?" Thomas sounded confused. "What about her?"

"You dancing with steerage last night, Mr. Andrews!" The chairman of White Star Line bellowed. "You have a reputation to uphold. You can not continue this—this transgression!"

Transgression? What does he mean by transgression?

"What about Helen? What would she say?" Ismay sounded disgusted.

"Helen?" Thomas questioned. "Bruce, Helen, and I are not together anymore. We haven't been in a long time. There is no transgression."

Their feet seemed to shuffle down the deck above. Eve quickly followed the steps until she got to the edge of the promenade deck.

"That woman is steerage, Mr. Andrews. Are you willing to throw your whole reputation away for some third-class girl?" Ismay's voice was strained. "I will not let you damage Titanic's image because you choose a woman below your class. She's a nobody, Mr. Andrews. Just steerage."

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