Chapter 3

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I am currently standing in the same spot Dominic has left me in. Watching his retreating figure disappear. What have I done? Everything was going just fine until I got overly excited over doing that spell. Why did have to hug him for? Why did I have to ruin everything? Now his walls will be back up with extra barriers to follow. How am I going to get him to let them down now? What have I seriously done? I'm in a bigger hole than I originally was in! I stand there arguing with myself for what felt like an eternity. I slowly make my way back up towards the castle.

Painfully slow.

My thoughts haven't been erased from my mind. How could I mess everything up so easily? With one simple act. I'm freaking screwed. I make it to the back door. I hesitate on going in.

"The door won't open itself." A voice said behind me.

I jump out of reaction. I turn to face the intruder and my face pales.

Great, just what I need. Grumpy pants number two on my ass. I side step out of his way so he can enter through the door I was currently blocking.

"I. Uh. Sorry." I murmur.

He rolls his eyes at me. So, instead of letting him see hurt showing in my eyes and in my face; I look towards the interesting wooden deck.

"Your tiara will fall if you keep staring at the wood." He responds.

When I look up to where he was, it's empty like he was never there. There's no way he actually spoke to me without any malice in his voice. I have to be dreaming this. But, I know he was previously there because the gust of wind he made when he stormed in the door; hit me in the face. His scent filled my nostrils full force.

These two are going to give me whiplash and a broken heart I already know. This is going to be one hell of journey. A journey I am not sure I'm ready or willing to take just yet.

Or ever.

I walk inside and see dinner is being set on the table.

"Love, go wash your hands and have a seat at the table." Aspen says with a soft motherly voice.

"Yes ma'am." I reply with a tight lip smile.

As I walk away I can hear everyone speaking clear as day.

Wolf hearing has its advantages.

"What's wrong with her?" Hendrix asks.

"What happened when she was outside with you and Payton?" Aspen questions.

"Don't look at us. Ask ole stick up the ass over there?" Harlow grunts out.

"Don't look at me. I haven't really spoken to her today." Osiris responds.

"Dominic..." Dimitri whispers out.

I wipe my shedding tears and walk upstairs to my bathroom. As I round the corner to go down the hall to my room. I collide with a truck.


Bitch that is a whole ass tractor!

The force from the collision has me laid out on my back.


"Watch where you're going! Get the hell out the middle of the hall!"

I look up to see I collided none other than Dominic. I quickly get back up onto my hands and knees. I scoot towards the wall and stay with my back against it. He walks completely around me and doesn't glance back.


"Such a gentlemen." I whisper.

I'm quickly grabbed by my arms and pulled back onto my feet.

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