Epilogue 1

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Some would say I should have been mad at Dominic, Payton, and Harlow. But, I just couldn't bring myself to even slightly be mad at them. They had their reasons; some froze on sight at what Osiris done. While others had different agendas.... A different ending for all of us. If we would have all five died, Tyson would have been the next King. Of course he would have made an excellent King, however, our story has only just begun. And selfishly I'm glad Osiris had the balls to pull some crazy magic out his ass; because I want to finish the story we just started. It's been quite some years since then so it's water under the bridge now. We have been Kings, Queens, and parents now for decade to be exact. Yes you heard right. Parents. When I had been kidnapped as the guys call it; I was pregnant. In the early stages actually. We decided like his parents; we will take what ever the amount of children the Moon Goddess will bless us with. We currently have our oldest who isn't a multiple.

Which is odd if you ask all of us. Because the guys are a set of four and their parents are a set of four. Their grandpa was a twin and so on. Never once was their a single baby born. It's always been multiples.

Our next pregnancy was set of twins, followed by a single pregnancy, my last three pregnancy has been twins. So, we have four sets of twins. I'm currently blessed with one this pregnancy. Let's just say we have our hands full with the first four, not so much with our second set of twins. However our last two sets are a handful just not like the first four. I'm praying to whatever Gods and Goddesses that will listen that this little one will not be anything like their oldest siblings.

I swear Octavius, who is ten, will be the child that makes me go bald. He's the oldest and the meanest of the four wild children. Declan and Percy, who are 9, are the runners up on the crazy sibling train. Holden, who is 8, comes in third on this crazy sibling train.

As you can see we continue his parents tradition on the first oldest having their fathers' initial.

Bentley and Brantley are our next oldest. They are our laid back children and both are 7. Devin and Alec are our 6 year olds, they're the worst of younger twins. However, they aren't as bad as Declan and Percy. Titus and Titan are our 5 year old twins. They aren't as bad as the oldest twins nor their twin brothers Devin and Alec. But, they're a little wild. Brixton and Hamlet are turning 3 this year. They're still in the terrible two stages. Hopefully soon I can come into the room without a curtain being caught on fire. Or my faucets that don't look like a hurricane has came out of it.

This pregnancy we are having a little girl. The only little girl in the bunch of boys. I pray she's a tough little cookie if not; she's going to be ran over by all her brothers. We went with the name Ocean.

You're probably wandering who is the father to each of the 13 children. The first four should be the most obvious ones since they have their fathers' initials. Bentley and Brantley are Dominic's. Devin and Alec are Payton's. Titan and Titus are Osiris's. Brixton and Hamlet are Harlow's.

Ocean we're assuming is Osiris but it's not like we truly care. She'll have all four of her fathers wrapped around her little fingers. She's due to be born any minute now. Harlow and Payton are somewhere around here. Dominic is in his office while Osiris is playing with all of the children.

I just need one of my ungodly tall mates to get down this potion. It'll help with making Ocean come out already. She's two weeks late and refuses to come out. I huff, I puff, and I get frustrated.

Damn it. Why was I blessed with short legs!?!

I decide now is the time to go find Osiris, who's in the backyard with all our children. I waddle down the back steps and into the yard. Usually we mink-link each other but where he's playing with all the children. All five of us have learned our lesson when the first four were just three-years-old. A small distraction like a mink-link causes chaos because those four were hurricanes meeting a dozen tornadoes while shooting torpedoes. So what ever father has the children keeps a block up so no fires, tornadoes, blizzards, tsunamis, you know the drill...... Happens again.

"Osiris!" I yell out.

He comes bouncing around the castle with our four younger ones wrapped around him like koalas. The four next older ones chasing him. While our oldest four boys are chasing after their father and siblings.

"Yes babe?" He calls out.

He gets tackled to the ground by the four older boys. All nine of them are now tangled with each other.

"I just need you to grab that one potion from the top shelf for me. I'm too short to reach anything up there." I tell him.

"Okay boys. Hop off me for a minute. I have to go help your mother out." Osiris tells our younger 8 sons.

"We'll come with you and help mommy out." Brixton says.

I watch as all nine take off inside the castle. Only ones left are Octavius, Declan, Percy, and Holden.

"Are you four being nice to your siblings?" I ask knowing damn well it's a no.

"Yes." Percy answers.

"Haven't torched any pants yet." Declan replies.

"I haven't shot any of them in air with a geyser yet. So that's a plus." Holden days with a smile.

I look over at Octavius and see his hands are glowing white.

What is this boy up to now?

Before I can ask any questions; my body hits the ground. I scream out as pain travels through me. When I glance down I can see a pool of liquid surrounding my lower half.

"What the hell happened?" Osiris roars.

"Ocean is coming!" I scream.

"Octavius what have you done?" Holden screams.

"The potion mom needed was to make her go into labor. Ocean is two weeks late. So, I used my spell and helped her go into labor." He says with a shrug of his shoulders.

Oh this little Angel Devil boy.

Osiris lifts me off the ground and carries me towards the medical ward. Our children follow behind and you can hear thunderous steps from around the castle.

Payton, Harlow, and Dominic.

With two hours of pushing our beautiful Angel has finally arrived. She has my lilac hair but her eyes are the color of my cherry blossom by with ruby red mixed with it. Each color swirling around each other.


Word Count: 1177

Book Total: 68,567

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