Chapter 12

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My sight is completely black and my brain feels like it's spinning. I don't know how long I have been in the dark but I don't like it. My mind is screaming at my body to wake the hell up.

What feels like centuries later, my sight comes back to me. However, I'm no longer in the castle. More precise, the halls of the medical wing. Adjusting my eyes to the brightness of the surroundings around me. I blink a few times. I must have hit my head. This has got to be a very vivid dream. I can feel the butterfly that has landed on my hand.

Where the hell am I?

"Hello?!" I call out.

Rapid swooshing of water near by gets my attention. Trampling noises can be heard in the distance.

"Anyone there?" I call out again.

Great Persephone, you're going to get yourself killed by calling out to the noises.

I start to walk forward towards the running water. As I cross over the field of flowers, I see a beautiful lady. Wait, she looks no older than seventeen. She's just dancing and splashing in the small stream.

Who is she?

"Hello?" I whisper out to her.

As my whisper travels through the air. It must have reached her ears because her face snaps in my direction. She doesn't have a murderous look in her eyes. She has a huge smile on her face and begins to wave at me.

Who the hell is she?

Where the hell am I?

What the hell is going on?

"Persephone!" She calls out.

As I get closer towards her, I can see she looks so angelic. Her voice is smooth as butter. She looks almost exactly like me except our eyes and hair color. We have the same facial features. Who is she?

Wait! How does she know my name?!

"Who are you? And where am I?" I ask her.

"I'm Delaney. And to answer the second question, you're in Artemis's In The Between." She softly says.

"I don't know a Delaney..... Except...." I stop in my track.

"That's correct. I mean what you're thinking is correct. I'm Dominic's first mate." She says with a soft smile.

"Why am I here?" I ask her.

"Artemis must have summoned you. I mean if you didn't die that is." She explains.

"Artemis?" I question.

"The moon goddess. She has already spoken to Dominic and the guys earlier while they were unconscious. She must have summoned you when you passed out from Osiris's confession." She explains.

"Where is she? And what does she want with me." I question.

"If you go up stream, you'll run right smack into her. And why she wants you is beyond me. I honestly don't know." She says while pointing her finger up stream.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"You're welcome." She says with a chuckle.

"Come my child." A velvety voice calls out into the wind.

"She's calling you. You must go now. Mustn't let her wait. She can get impatient just ask Osiris." Delaney chuckles out.

What did my ass nugget mate do now?

I nod my head and begin to walk up stream.

I come to a stop when I see a tall slender lady with white hair and lavender eyes. She stands in front of a cauldron and all I can think is I'm fucking dead. She's going to turn into some carnivore like Hills Have Eyes Creature and devour my body. Leaving no evidence behind.

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