Chapter 18

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It's been a week since her vision and to say were aren't scared is a damn lie. We have been working on strategies and plans on training her. Instead of just one of us training her on a certain part of her..... We all are going to train her together. Dominic is the best at our witch side but the rest of us are pretty decent at it. If it was a competition, Dominic would come in first; us three would tie for second. We aren't far from Dominic on our witch sides. We just each have our preferences. Osiris is the best in vampire form. His vampire side and him are the best team. Like Dominic and his witch side; all three would tie in second. While Osiris would be in first. Payton is equally great with all three parts of himself. Once side isn't better than the other. He's like our father Paxton a damn triple threat. I'm the best with my werewolf side. My brothers would tie for second. They are just a hair, a small tiny ass hair, away from being equal with me. Like how it is with the other three. We're all just an ass hair away from being equals.

You see, Dominic's witch gene is the strongest; like our father Dimitri. Osiris's vampire gene is the strongest, like our father Orion. Payton's genes for all three are equal; like our father Paxton. I am like my father Hendrix; who's werewolf gene is the strongest. Our fathers and mother trained each of us. You're probably thinking why your mother? Our fathers made mother into a tribrid; they trained her themselves. Mother is just as strong as my fathers, she's just as stealthy as our fathers, she's quick like our fathers. She can fire out spells and use her magic quickly like our fathers. Mother is a real threat. They still train together to this day.

So, we're thinking while she's training with one of us, we all can see where she needs to work on, what it is, coach her on how to fix it. Four trainers might be better than one. At least we all four hope. Our fathers and mother will also be on the sidelines to be extra eyes to spot something we don't see.

Today we're working on her witch side. Tomorrow will be her wolf side. The third day we will work on her fighting in human form. She'll rest the fourth day but study the spells from our family's book. She'll pick what to do the fifth day rather it be spells and magic, her wolf, or both. On the six day she will fight one of us; whoever she picks. The seventh day she will have her rest day. Because sparring and fighting us will take a toll on her body.

"Try again." Dominic tells her.

"Did I flick my wrist the wrong way again?" She asks.

"It's more or less you didn't flick it hard enough." Father Orion says.

"Think back to where Harlow pissed you off. You flicked your wrist very powerfully and made a thirty foot damn geyser." Payton calls out.

"Now concentrate and pretend that ground is my face." I call out.

"You got this babe!" Osiris yells.

"Now plant Dominic on his ass cheeks!" Dimitri cheers her on.

"Yeah plant me on my ass, little mate." Dominic taunts.

I see what he's doing, he's trying to rile her up and make her use her magic without even knowing she doing so. That strategic plan will bite him on that ass of his. Literally. I know from experience.

Persephone's face morphs from sweet and innocent to ready for attack mode. Yup-pppp! He's screwed.

Dominic flicks his wrist and a vine shoots up near her. She flicks her own wrist and the vine Dominic just shot up; bends to the right. She walks forwards towards Dominic with a mission on her mind. Dominic smirks and flicks his wrists again. Several vines and branches spring up in between the two of them. She sends a cocky smirk back and flicks her wrists. We all watch as the vines bends to the right and left; making a walkway. The branches are snapped in half and flung halfway across the field. She walks through the now cleared walkway towards Dominic. She stomps her foot down hard; she flicks her wrists again. The ground shakes like a volcano is about to erupt. We're all looking around like what the hell is going on. We blink and a geyser comes bursting from the ground directly under Dominic's feet. It isn't like the one she done on me, it's only twenty feet tall. Dominic shoots up in the air while screaming like a bitch. When she is inches away from the geyser; she flicks her wrists one last time. The geyser goes from full blast to completely stopping. Before Dominic can even say a spell or use any magic; his ass hits the ground with a hard thud.

"That's my girl!" Osiris yells.

"Damn that is impressive. You weren't joking on her geyser." Mom states.

We all look at Dominic who has now made it to his feet. He stalks to Persephone and picks her. He twirls her around and is laughing. Man, if I fell from the sky twenty feet up, I wouldn't be this happy.

He gently places her feet back on the ground as he kisses her forehead. They take their spots again at different sides of the field. We watch as they train together. We watch as she is growing stronger and stronger with her witch side. She's managed to reverse his magic and cast it back at him. I'm surprised he hasn't grew a damn dragon's tail yet. They been at it for hours. When I say hours I literally mean hours. We started right after lunch time; it's now rounding to our normal dinner time. Our parents told the cooks we will have dinner two hours later than normal. I watch as both of them come to a draw. Neither one got the upper hand, they were pretty much even the entire time. I don't think we'll need to train with her on her witch side anymore; considering the fact she stood evenly matched with Dominic.

"We're going to hit the showers." Payton calls out.

"Don't come back as a toad Dom!" Osiris laughs out.

"Or a smell rat!" I joke.

We all head off to the castle; leaving these two to be alone until dinner. Who know what might happen. She might come back not a virgin.

I guess we shall see.

Word Count: 1117

Book Total: 31,954

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