Chapter 19

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It's been an hour exactly since we left those two at the training fields. I don't know what they have done in that hour but she definitely didn't lose her virginity. We would have felt if she did. None of us felt it.

What the hell have they been doing for the past hour? Making sand castles by the pond, watching shoot stars in the sky, drinking sangrias on the lake?

My thoughts and questions come to a stop when both of them come walking in with mud sticking in their hair, on the clothes. I believe every inch of them are covered in mud.

"Do I even want to know?" Osiris says with a discombobulating look.

"He made mud move twenty feet and hit me in the face." She says with an innocent smile.

"Only because she shot a geyser of mud at me first!" Dominic says defensively.

"You said I couldn't!" She bickers back.

"Because I didn't think you actually would!" He deadpans.

"Fair is fair in the name of war." She says with a chuckle.

"You two need to shower before dinner. I am not smelling cow shit all night." Dad Orion laughs out.

"Good idea." Dominic states.

"Which part shower or staying down here and smelling the whole dinner." Persephone jokes.

"I was thinking the second option." Dominic jokes back.

"I think the duck's ass not! I'll hit you with the hose!" Father Dimitri laughs out.

"Truce! We'll go shower." Dominic says while waving his imaginary flag.

We watch as they disappear up the stairs. Are they going to shower together? We all sit in silence; all of us probably thinking the same thing. We hear Persephone's shower turn on. A few minutes later Dominic's turns on.

I guess not.

Harlee turns on her music while we wait for pig and piglet to come back down.

"Bubbie Pay dancing wiff me!" Harlee demands.

Who can say no to their demanding sister.


I pick up Harlee and bring to spin her around. When I place her back in her feet, she starts to wail her arms around like a floppy balloon animal. She does some weird chicken move that cause us all to laugh.

"Great my children have turned into farm animals. Three down, the rest to go!" Mom cackles out.

"Iz no farm animal mama." Harlee whines.

"You could have fooled me princess."

Harlee's face lights up at that voice. Her feet move faster than her body was allowing. She stumbling runs into his legs.

"Bubba Domi!" She squeals.

Dominic picks her up and starts to toss our youngest sister in the air.

"Dinner is ready. Let's go eat loves." Moms sweet voice fills the room.

You don't have to say food twice to get us moving. It's like a shoving match to get into the kitchen. If we get a broke nose, busted lip, black eye, or broken limbs; we all know magic to heal our wounds. We all finally make it to our chairs without any missing or injured limbs. Persephone sits down and Dominic sits beside her.


They never sit side by side. It's always across from each other. I guess I'll be taking my seat by Osiris. Across from those two. We all begin to have our own conversations and whatever Dominic has said to Persephone's has her cheeks lit up red. Whatever it was has Harlow howling in laughter.

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