Chapter 22

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He went back to the Palace after everything ended though im not sure if he's gonna bring trouble but i already made my choice and i did not regret it.

As hours passed by all i did was read a book in the garden when suddenly a shouting voice said to me.


I was startled to hear it, as i looked at her i could see my little sisters troubled looked i asked, "is everything alright?"

She just unexpectedly hugged me and covered her face and replied, "No its not, not at all."

"Why? , What happened when you were out?"

I was really worried about her since i could feel her trembling but when i heard.

"It's the Prince, he unexpectedly confess to me."

I felt relieved that it wasn't that bad as i was thinking it to be but i never expected the romance development between them became so fast but i already change the story line a lot, so im not suprise though i did thought that it would take at least 2 or 3 years for this development.

I hugged her back and caress her hair, "Is that so, well what did you reply to him?"

"...Well i didn't give him my answer yet."


"Because i don't know how i truly feel about him."

Hmm, well its normal since she mainly focused on her studies and becoming a great lady in the duchy right know so she probably never expected this.

"Well how would you feel if the Prince confessed his love to another lady?"

She looked at me, "What do you mean?"

"Like for example he confessed his love to lady Amelia, how would you feel about that?"

She put a deep thought on what i said and replied, "Well i wouldn't be happy about it."

"Then do you like the prince?"

Her eyes widened, "Huh, well i don't hate him and i think he's a great guy but im still having mixed emotions right know since it's to sudden."

"Then think deeply about it, the Prince does truly seem to like you a lot than you think."

"Your right, thank you for comforting me sister i really needed that."

"Of course your welcome."

Actually in the original when the Prince confessed his love for her she actually immediately said yes, but since the story was change and the development progressed more faster than the original. So her reaction right know is normal, i just hope that your decision will make you happy for the rest of your life since fate is really changeable right know.

After our conversation ended she went to get some tea to clear her mind and think throughly about it.

When i walked through the mansion halls i could see through the window that Francis had returned but judging from afar his face looks quite sad.

I went in front of the mansion to greet him but as he went in he walked passed through me and said, "Ahh sister you must've heard the news right, don't worry im fine i just need some alone time to think so please dont worry about me."


Happy Ending For The Tragedy Side CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now