Chapter 25

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As the ceremony was over not only did he became the head but he also announced something so unexpectedly.

"I thank everyone for coming to my succession ceremony, but before we all start the celebration i would also like to announce that i will have this woman right there." he pointed at a certain woman in the crowd. "to become my wife and become the next countess of this empire."

He went down from the crowd that was watching him and went closer to the woman who he pointed at, as he finally arrived there he reached out his hand, she accepted it and he putted an engagement ring on her middle finger.

The woman gave of a blushing smile and drop a tear in her eyes she was really truly happy about the whole thing.

He continued, "I have had a secret relationship with her for a long time now and since this night is really special to me i would like it to be more amazing than it ever could be."

The crowd clapped after his speech was finished his father laughed so hard at him since he didn't knew that his son could do something so cheesy.

His sister was also shocked to say the least but she just smiled while looking at them.

As for me i already knew that it was gonna happen so i just clapped along with the other nobles and supported the engagement.

When i looked for my brother to see how he was doing since my sister already arrived, he looked a little bit sad and walked through outside the balcony, as i was about to follow him back.

I could see lady Amelia following him as i saw it i smiled and i thought, i think i should let it be for now, who nows maybe a new development will be formed.

As Francis watched the night stars from the balcony a voice so sudden stated.

"Oh lord Francis, are you ok? you seem to be a bit saddened?"

He was startled and looked back at her, "Ahh lady Amelia, its an honour to meet you again and i congratulate your brother for his successful succession ceremony and engagement announcement."

"Thank you but before that what are you doing in a place like this its quite cold you know."

"Well i have a lot going on in my thoughts right know, so im just here to clear my mind."

"Hmm, well i have a tricked to help you."

His brow raised he asked, "What trick is it?"

She went a little closer and said, "Close your eyes."

He got confused, "Wait why?"

"Just do it."

"Well ok."

He closed his eyes and listened to what she said after that she clapped her hand so loud and shocked him, "Ahh! what was that?"

She giggled, "Its one of my tricks for whenever i put a sad thought about something i do that, though my real move was to hit you by the cheek but i don't want to be accused of hurting the son of the archduke."

He gave of a small laughter and told her, "Is that so, well thank you so much for that lady Amelia."

She smiled back, "Its my pleasure lord Francis."


Happy Ending For The Tragedy Side CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now