Why was it you....

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Nobody pov:
Bruce and Vance were finally dating like DATING after all the pushing and dates they're friends had to set up they finally confessed to each other with two lousy little letters...They swore to protect each other no matter what....but one was to late to save the other

After Vance went missing Bruce would not go outside nor go to school. Finny tried his best to cheer him up but Bruce would not laugh at anything.

Bruce pov:
I sat on the floor with my hands no my legs and tears streaming down my face "I can't believe it he went missing and I wasn't there...I promised him" I said looking down at the floor clenching my teeth "Bruce it's not your fault he went missing" said finny while pating me on the back. I didn't want to think about how he could have gone missing but why "finny you know it's my fault he went missing if only I had gone with him then maybe he could have been here"I said looking at finny "No Bruce it's not your fault stop saying that" finny said while taking his hand off my back. I didn't want to talk to anybody so I told finny to go home "Bruce are you sure you want me to go" finny said "yes I just want to be alone right now" I said trying hard not to cry "okay then but call me if you need anything okay" he said while walking to the door "Yeah" I said finny left and I let out all the crying I had inside me I just couldn't take it why or who took him.

*The next day*
Bruce pov:
I got up to go to school cause my mom didn't want me to skip another day of school. I got my bag and everything and started walking to school. All I could think of is Vance but I think I was to much into my thoughts that I didn't notice this black van "Hey kid" said some random mad I snapped out of my thought and looked at him his face was painted and he had a hat "You wanna see a majic trick" said the old man I didn't want to but my life was already fucked up so I said yes. He than opened his van and there were black balloons inside he grabbed my arm and started to strangle me I tried my best to fight back but he was way stronger than me and he sprayed something in my mouth that made be pass out.

I woke up in some strange basement or I think it is I couldn't really see much "I see your awake" said the old man I looked up to see the man standing at the door "Why did you bring me here" I asked him "I don't know but tell me your name" he said getting closer "Why do you want to know" I said "no reason but if you don't want to tell me it that's okay I'll always find out one way or another... they always have them on the news papers" he said I looked up and said my name "oh your that kid he was talking about" he said while turning "What?" I shouted out in confusion he stopped walking and turned to face me again "Vance Hopper" he said sounding angry "H-how do you know him" I said standing up "Why do you wanna know" he said smiling under that mask "Where is he" I said but tears falling down my face "somewhere" he said while walking towards me slowly. I wanted to ask him another question but then it hit me...he was the one that took Vance..."What's wrong?" he said stoping "you...YOU WHERE THR ONE WHO TOOK VANCE FROM ME YOU FUKING MONSTER" I started crying and I felt his cold hands touch my face, it disgust me so I pushed them off but he put them right back and started wiping my tears away.

"Why do you like kidnapping" I said finale taking his hands off of my cheek "I don't know but you weren't what I wanted" he said while walking back "what were you looking for then"I said "well that with with curly hair and is always with that one girl" he said opening the door "oh and that Mexican kid" he said I froze cause I knew who he ment "well I'll check on you later" he said closing the door behind him. I sat in the mattress thinking about Vance why didn't I think about it sonner, he got kidnapped but the grabber and that's why he didn't come back...but why did it have to be him...as I was ready to lay down the phone rang... I picked it up "helo" I said into the phone "hey Bruce" said the other person but I froze "Vance" I said shouting"hey I'm sorry I didn't come back"he said sounding guilty "No Vance I'm sorry you got kidnapped and I wasn't there" I said crying "No it's not your fault don't blame yourself" Vance said "Look I might have not gotten out of here but you are" he said "what, what do you mean gotten out of here you must be somewhere else" I said "no Bruce I'm not anywhere else" he said back "then how come your calling me" I saw d with a confused face "I don't know but Bruce.... I'm dead"... I froze at what he said "No no no your not Vance your still alive" I said shouting " No I'm dead Bruce I'm sorry" I didn't want to believe him but he was right "Bruce" he said with a low voice "yeah" I said back "Please get out for me" he said " but I need you here with me" you said starting to cry again" Bruce I can't bare to see you here" "if I do then what will I do?" I said "babe you're going to keep on living and have the best life and I'll be watching over you and I'll wait for you so we can be together again" I started to cry "no why why" " please do it for me" he said " fine I'll do it for you" 'okay-"  "wait" I said shouting "yeah" he said " will I be able to talk to you again" I said hoping to hear a yes "no Bruce this is the only and last call we'll ever make" " NO Vance DON'T LEAVE ME" I started crying and shouting that I didn't here the last few words he said "I love you golden boy, stay strong for me...." He said hanging up.

"Vance" I said still shouting at the phone "put the Phone DOWN" I heard the grabbers voice again " YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU TOOK THE FIRST PERSON TO EVER LOVE" I said shouting at him but I didn't realize that he had his belt and with that he held it up and hit me "Oww" I said trying to stand up "I didn't want to do this but your being really naughty" he said grabbing his belt again. He finally stopped and I was bleeding all over my back and I had scratches from it "Now got to sleep naughty boy" he said leaving, I didn't want to sleep but I did anyways...I woke up some time later and my back still hurting so I stude up walking around the room but then I heard the door open I thought it was him but to my surprise it was some other dude "Holy shit I knew he was hiding something" said the man "Please can you help me" I said running to him "yeah yeah Don't worry he's not here and the police is here to" he said while carrying me. He helped me get out of the basement and outside... Finally once again I felt the hot sun hit my face and I could see my mother running up to me giving me a big hug "Bruce my sweet baby" said my mother hugging me really tight  I didn't want to do anything but just drown myself in my mothers perfume. The cops were interviewing max when I saw that the detectives came out with a body, I went up to them telling them if I could see it "Are you sure young man" said one of them " yeah I'm sure" I said back they took the blanket off (I'm not sure what it's called) I looked at Vance and how there were scratches all over he's gorgeous face "I love you Vance and you know I'll never love anyone else other than you....now rest in peace" those were my last words for him and they doin took him away.

Bruce pov:
It's been months since that day and I'm getting better from that day Finney is always with me just to make sure I don't get kidnapped again. I still love Vance and I go visit his grave after school and I tell him about my day and other stuff that aren't important. I know I can't hear him or see him when we do talk to him but I know he's right next to me.

Vance pov:
I'm glade he got out and is doing better, I'm really glade Finny's with him so he won't be alone.I sit next to him when he comes and visits me and I answer and here everything he has to say or ask... I'll wait as long as I have to buy I'll be ready when he gets here so we can be together again️.❤

I wanted to do a branch angst story and where max helps Bruce so this is what I came up with, hope you liked it.☺️

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