Blue hair....Blond hair

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😘 Angst
Vance x Bruce
Trans Vance 😜
Song: Blue hair by TV Girl 🤭🖐️
Vance remembered when he had beautiful long curly hair. He remembered how much everyone loved his hair. Vance himself loves his hair. He wasn't always called Vance. He was called Valentina Hopper. She was such a beautiful girl. She had many people that wanted to date her. But she always had her eyes on Bruce yamada. She had a soft spot for him. She would admire his beauty.

Bruce noticed her. He fell in love with her as well. Until Valentine changed. After what her father did to her. She stopped talking and being around boys. Her fathers hands where printed all over her body. It made her sick. She eventually dyed her hair blue. Her father was angry. Her mother tried stopping him but that lead her to getting beat up and much more than what valentine got. Her father was an abusive sick bastard.

Valentine found herself growing up to fast. After Bruce saw what she did he stopped talking to her. Valentine felt hurt by that. The person that she loved saw her as a freak. Valentine cried herself to sleep every single night. One day she went up to Bruce. "Do you think I'm pretty" she asked.  Bruce friend began laughing. Bruce looked at her in embarrassment. "Yeah right. Bruce would never think some freak like you his pretty".

Valentine ran into the bathrooms and cried. She made a fool of herself for saying such thing.

I'm the eyes of everyone she was always going to be dumb blonde. Valentine cried over nothing. There's wasn't much anyone could do from stoping her from cutting her beautiful blue hair off.
Now that, that's had passed by Bruce heard that Vance was living with a boy that acted his age. Bruce let a tear slip from his eye.

And I guess I'll just miss her. Even though she isn't even really gone.......But thigs are just different. Ever scince he cut his blond hair off.

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