Chapter 7: Friends and Foes

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Ocean blue eyes looking in mine. I feel like I might sink and drown and die.

"It's Winter."

It would sound insane to say I am not terrified, because I can feel the ground beneath my feet being a storm of emotion. Despite everything, my voice doesn't leave the line of acceptance, dull and empty with a tone of meaningless words.

They aren't to me. Winter is who I am, Miles was someone I never should have been. All the temptation I have experienced there led me here, a dark alley with a gun to my head.

It's not even the threat which scares me. It's him and his appearance in my life again.

I can't do this again.

"Yes." he says, left hand dropping on my shoulder. I hear him stepping closer, gun boring over my hair while his hands travel down my arm, soon settling on my hands. I would lie if I claimed that it did nothing to me, especially when the shudder went through my bare hands when they brushed against each other.

My fingers untangle each other from the gun, staring forward and refusing to meet the face next to mine when he puts my gun with him. "Well, Winter, I apologise for disturbing your intimate moment."

The truth is that my brain did little background check, until I remembered. It's sad to admit, but I only needed Charlotte for this. It was first the rock at the car, then the dog and Simon, this should have only been the assurance.

Although maybe I should have thought about this more, yet it was just a theory. I mean how on Earth could I have been right about this?

"Why apologise if you don't mean it."

Holding a conversation was never my stronger side, but with him it came naturally. I should blame it on two wasted years, left with way too many questions.

"We can all say things we don't mean." he replies, words tasteful of hate when he spins my body, this time gun between my eyes. "You should be most familiar with that."

He is the same.

When you see a person who looks as if they've been pulled out of a treasure fountain, the dirty job is the last thing which comes to mind. Samantha, the christian old neighbor who lived next to our childhood house always used to say some pretty useful things. Such as 'the devil's beauty always tricks an innocent mind, making them believe even he is good.'

I suppose I never believed that Landon was good, but he was always the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on.

He was, well, not different from everyone else in the way his features made the most unique match in this world. It was pretty common, with difficulty to decide if his hair or soul had a darker shade. Yet, only the anger flame into the pupils watching me now.

Crystal blue eyes.

Such a diversity.

Even with his hand clenched around my collar, I lose my time looking at him.

Sharp and pale face fresh from scars, which is difficult for someone in prison. The prison where I put him.

The thought just snapped me back to reality.

He isn't here for a friendly chat. He is here to either kill me or torutre me then get over with it.

There are sirens in the distance. Most likely the emergency call which Charlotte took. "They are looking for you."

He chukles. "For now, but soon enough they will be looking for you. So will everyone else."

He doesn't elaborate when he pushes me to the side, again away from his face when he walks over the car. The doors are tinted, yet I fear another presence inside when we spot his arm reaching for the handle.

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