Chapter 16: Angel With Horns

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Will I ever be free? Have I crossed the line?

They say it was Confusious who said “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”, but was it though?

I don't know. I can't say anybody does for sure, it's just one of those things that happened in the past, buried so deep that no shovels, no matter how strong and firm, can dig it out.

Some things are meant to be left in that moment, never to be retrieved.

Yet, people will never stop talking. Maybe it was Conficious, maybe his father or grandfather, or it was one of those sayings that were passed through families and mothers loved to speak about them during the dinner to teach their children a lesson. 

Later on their children will listen, then theirs as well and so on and so on, until one day it's written into a book for generations ahead to see. 

But it's only a word on a piece of paper.

Landon should arrive soon.

His two dogs, Celine and Edward, mention it before, of course not putting aside their worries and concerns about their once upon a time friend. 

Even Rafael, a man who seemed to be able to lift mountains but did not speak a word to anyone since his arrival, looked distraught after the sudden death of their fellow mate. 

"How did that even happen?" Celine spoke, with a voice so rough and deep that I could feel it in my own throat as I swallowed the leftovers of my food.

"I don't know." Edward shakes his head, keeping hands in his hair, voice low as I mindlessly look out of the window and pretend to be completely interested in other things. "They said he overdosed."

"How?" she asks, weariful as if he could provide her an answer. "It doesn't make sense."

"Why not? He maybe got the wrong dose and-" 

"The wrong dose?" She cuts him off with a hiss. "He has been on that bloody Clonazepam for years. How did he get the dose wrong?" 

"I don't know." he speaks, each word getting a hit on the wood of the shelf as I take a sip of water.

Such a melancholic night. 

"I do." Is all that Celine says after a long pause, but before I hear both of them approaching my table.

I stay silent until I can't avoid her frame in my sight. I swallow the food and irritation. "Yes?" 

"What do you know about this?" 

"About what?" I ask with an innocent voice.

Edward is sitting next to her, crossing his arms as his hand goes over that ugly goat beard he has when he adds. "Don't pretend like you didn't hear us. Now, tell us what you know."

I nod my head, putting down the fork as I take a sip of cold milk. Placing it back down I clear my throat. "I know that your colleague was clearly too clueless about what he was doing. Clonazepam is probably the strongest benzodiazepine that can be very addictive. He was probably too confident about what he knew and closed an eye on what he did not know. Mixing benzodiazepine with some of the other groups of medicine or use of alcohol can be easily lethal."

They are listening closely to what I say, not moving or even blinking for that matter. When I'm done they share a look before she speaks again. 

"Of course. But doesn't it sound strange?" she tilts her head and comes closer. "He was fine every other time for years and the two nights ago when he really needed to be fine," she claps her hands right in front of my face. For a moment I was even worried she would curve my eyes out. "Poof, he is dead." 

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