Chapter eight➖

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Yong(your POV)

"H-how'd you find out?" I stuttered, feeling my heart rate increase.

Yes, it's true. I DATED(passed tense) Jung, last year. We kept our relationship a secret, only a select group of people knew about us. Hyewon approved at first, only because Jung had acted sweet around her, but as time went by, she disliked him because he became very...violent. For example, whenever I spoke to guys(even if we weren't flirting or anything like that) he would get so angry and harass that guy, or even physically fight him.

"You dated Jung?!" Niki took a step towards me, his voice a little too loud for my liking.

I huffed, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him away from the crowded doorway.

"I- I...DATED him...a while ago..." I deeply sighed. "But it was nothing serious!" I quickly said, vigorously shaking my head.

"I don't believe you. He told me to ask you yourself whether you guys are dating or not. He seemed pretty convincing." Niki's eyes narrowed.

"Niki we're not dating! Jung is just...a flippin obsessed psychopath..." I scoffed. "I don't even know why I dated him in the first place."

"Why'd you date him??" Niki asked.

I grew annoyed with his questions, but I still went ahead and truthfully answered him. "I dated him because he was sweet at first. Very charming..." I started. Niki's facial  expression changed and I couldn't help but get the idea that he was jealous. "Jung seemed very polite and shy back then, and that's why I...liked him. He treated me well, he respected Hyewon. Until..." I heavily sighed, thinking about what had happened a long time ago with Jung and I.

"Until?" Niki asked, his voice incredibly deep.

"Until things went south. Jung became...violent towards me...and Hyewon. But mostly me. He started bullying people, hurting them, getting into trouble with the school. He just...changed." I sighed. I rolled up the sleeve on my left arm, exposing something that I've been hiding for a while now.

An ugly scar that I've hidden pretty well for over a year now. The scar that I refused to show people, as I was too scared to reveal it, and too afraid of what people might say. But most importantly, afraid of Jung. Back then, before we got the police involved, Jung had threatened me and said that if I were to tell anyone about what he had done to me, then he'd do worse. He said that he wouldn't let me peacefully live my life. He threatened to make my life a living hell. I couldn't take the threats anymore, and so I ended up telling Yoongi about it, and boy did he get mad.

Yoongi nearly murdered Jung. If people at school hadn't called the cops, then Yoongi would have beaten Jung to death. It was all a mess back then, and I'm glad we're past that.

Or at least that's what I think.

"See this scar?" I showed Niki. "I got it from Jung. He...hit me, pretty hard." I chuckled, trying to hold back the tears threatening to flow right out of my eyes.

"H--how? Why?" Niki breathed, his breath shaky.

"He threatened me, that if I continued to talk to other guys, then he'd hurt them and me." I continued. "Jung was just so insecure. He barely even trusted me, even though I never gave him a reason not to." I said, looking down and chewing on my bottom lip.

"Things went too far. I ended up telling my brother and then cops got involved. And it was just a whole thing..." I sighed. "Jung almost went to jail, but I told them that it was fine, they didn't have to put him away."

"You're too kind." Niki softly said while shaking his head.

I shyly laughed, rolling down my sleeve and pursing my lips. "I guess. But that's just how I am." I shrugged.

Niki heavily sighed, before gently taking me in his embrace. My breath nearly hitched in my throat as he pulled me in for a hug, and it took me a while to respond to this sudden gesture. But I did, eventually, and I wrapped my arms around him. Niki lay his head on mine, and let out a soft puff of air.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." He said, slowly starting to caress my back.

"It's okay, it's not your fault so don't apologize. Besides, you weren't even here when it all happened." I chuckled.

"I kinda wish I was though." He said.

"Why's that?" I asked, looking up at him.

"So I could beat the crap out of him." Niki said, then laughed. I laughed with him, and we fell in silence after that.

Niki pulled away from the hug, although our bodies were still very much closely pressed against each other. He towered over me, making me feel extremely short and small. I mean I was, but still. Niki weirdly intimidated me. Mostly because of his height and composure. But...who was I to complain? A lot of people might say that this was their ideal height difference.

Okay Min Yong, don't get too ahead of yourself.

Niki let out a quiet sigh, his dark brown eyes staring right into my soul. I felt my knees weaken as he scanned my features. His eyes traveled up my neckline, to my chin, back to my eyes, my lips. Niki flirtatiously licked his, without taking his eyes off mine. My heart pounded out of my chest and my palms started sweating. If he didn't stop looking at me like that, I could collapse at any moment.

Niki randomly let out his hand, and gently tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear. He flashed a small smile, and continued to admire me. His eyes sparkled as he looked at me, and I swear you could see tiny hearts in his eyes. The way he looked at me just...made me wanna pull him in and ki-

"You look pretty today." Niki said, his deep, feathery voice sending chills down my spine.

I blushed, like a flippin idiot, and shyly looked down. "Thanks." I softly said.

He chuckled, and surprisingly held me tighter. I appreciated how his hands remained on my upper back, and never dared to slide down. He respected me, and I liked that.

Seo Yeon(POV)

I let out an exhausted sigh as I made my way down the stairs. I held the railing to balance myself, my head aching and spinning. Science took a massive toll on me. It drained me, and right now all I wanted to do was get home and sleep.

As I walked down the stairs and headed to my locker, I spotted two people standing close together. My stomach churned once I laid my eyes on Min Yong and Nishi blushing and looking way too comfortable with each other. I made a face, eyeing them both as they continued to flirt with each other, in freaking public.

Sigh. Perhaps I was wrong about Nishi. I was a fool to think he actually liked me. I thought maybe I had a chance with him, because I liked him too. I was actually thinking about confessing in a few days, you know, once I got to know him a bit more.

But I guess that isn't gonna happen. Min flippin Yong just had to swoop in and take him from me! She just had to be the wh0re she is and ruin the poor, innocent new kid. Part of the reason why I despise Min Yong. She always does this. She always acts innocent and gets people on her side.

I huffed, rolling my eyes and continued to walk towards my locker, ignoring the two.

You're not gonna have Nishi, Min Yong. If it's a competition you want, then a competition you shall get.

Game on, b!tch.

Seo Yeon is a Sooha

Y'all. We need to talk. Please read the next update

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