Chapter twelve➖

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10 days to the Halloween Party...…⁠ᘛ

"Wait wait wait..." Hyewon raised her eyebrows. "So you mean to tell me that Principal Kim...our principal...the principal of this school, is allowing us to throw a frat party??"

"Dude! Not so loud..." I lightly smacked her arm. "And no, it isn't a frat party. Just a friendly, Halloween high school party that we're planning." I explained.

Hyewon scoffs. "You clearly don't know the learners of this school. Sure, they're all good at academics and all that crap, but when it comes to partying, they deliver! And they never disappoint!" She smirked.

I only shook my head, eyeing Hyewon and thinking about what she just said.

"Alright. You all know what to do, right?" Minji Unnie asked the group. We all nodded and that's when she gave us the greenlight to proceed.

We barged through the cafeteria doors, switching on the speaker and blasting pop music, earning everyone's attention.

"STUDENTS OF SINCHON HIGH SCHOOL!" Minji's voice called from the microphone. Every single student in the cafeteria turned to look at us, with frowns on their faces and expressions of bewilderment.

I mean who wouldn't be confused right now at the sight of a bunch of SRC members barging into the cafeteria, wearing clown wigs, silly hats and tutus while blasting extremely loud music.

"The Student Representative Council would like to announce that we will be hosting a HALLOWEEN THEMED PARTY~"  Minji shouted, making everyone in the room roar in excitement.

"The party will be hosted right here at school, in ten days time and we would love for ALL OF YOU to come along! Bring your dates, girlfriends, boyfriends, side chicks, friends! ANYONE!" Haruto announced, smiling brightly at the crowd and making my heart jump. He then passed the mic on to me and I shook my head saying no, however he insisted.

I deeply sighed. "And we will be having very special guests perform at this party! We really hope to see every single one of you there!" I announced, immediately passing the mic back to Haru, who passed it to Minji.

"We will be handing out fliers now!" She announced and we all dispersed in the large crowd of students, handing fliers out to them.

I limped towards the table where Hanni, Danielle and Hyewon were sitting. I flashed my semi gummy smile, and they smiled back, each taking a flier from the pile I was holding. I walked away from their table, and my tracks immediately slowed down once I realised there was one table left that didn't get any fliers. My smile faded as I saw Niki's arm slither behind Seo Yeon, pulling her closer and whispering something in her ear. I took deep breaths in, feeling my heart ache and my blood start to boil.

I continued limping towards their table, putting on my best poker face and having no intentions on engaging in a conversation with either one of them. I quickly placed fliers in front of everyone at that table, and when I got to Niki and Seo Yeon, I barely looked up at them, and slammed two fliers in front of them. I was about to walk away when I felt a hand gently hold my wrist, slightly pulling me back.

His eyes sparkled as he looked at me and I could see just a hint of sorrow in them. "Are you mad at me?" Niki softly asked.

I flashed a fake smile, shaking my head saying no. "Why would I be mad at you, Niki?"

He deeply sighed, before pulling me closer to him. "Yong, please tell me what's wrong?"

I sighed, removing his hand from my wrist. "Nothing's wrong. I have to go now, the others are waiting for me." And with that, I walked away from them and headed towards the group of SRC members.

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