Chapter eighteen⚠️

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Just a few hours down the line...

Dancer in the dark - Chase Atlantic
🎶Baby its that look in your eyes, they been telling me she wanna leave. She's been dancing the d*vil all night, its like h*ll is where she wanna be🎶

After an incredibly long night of dancing to Red Velvet's songs(our special guests), the boys had suggested we party more, except, we wouldn't party here at school since it was about to end in an hour or so. EJ sent us all invitations to his frat party that he was throwing back at his place since his parents were out of town for a few days. Or so I've heard.

Right now, the guys and I had gathered about every snack we could find, or more like steal, and had already discreetly stashed it into K's car. All I had to do now was collect my girlfriend, and we could finally leave.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go find Seo Yeon. Wait for me outside." I announced, then turned around on my heels and surged through the crowd. I pushed past a few people, as well as a few couples who were grossly making out in front of people which made me want to gouge my eyes out.

But I shouldn't complain at all. I did the same thing with Seo Yeon too not so long ago. And I have to say, I enjoyed every single bit of it so screw whoever had something bad to say about us.

After a few nudges and slipping through small spaces, I finally reached one corner of the room where Seo Yeon, along with a few guys surrounding her, were standing. I frowned upon seeing the way she began to wrap her arm around one of the guy's arms, then chug down their juice as if they were a pair of some sort. I squeezed my fists shut and clenched my jaw to distract myself from getting angry too quickly. This was a toxic trait of mine that I still needed to learn how to control. My jealousy is on a whole different and unhealthy level. A level which could destroy my relationship with the one I truly love.

So instead of getting angry, I raked my fingers through my newly-dyed hair while taking a few deep breaths in to calm myself down. I sauntered towards the group, which instantly caught their attention and they all grew intimidated by my presence, boosting my ego. Seo Yeon immediately stood from her chair and removed her arm from the guy seated next to her while her alert eyes remained on me.

"Baby?? Wh-what are you doing here?" Her apparent nervousness had me questioning her more in my head. But I didn't want to start assuming things.

"I came to get you. The boys and I are going to EJ's place for his party." I flatly said while my gaze switched from her to the guy, who, if I'm being honest, looked like freaking shit with that outfit on compared to mine. And not to mention his face which looked like a smashed grapefruit-

"Yeonnie, who's this guy?" The guy nudged his head in my direction and asked. I raised a single brow right after hearing the shitty nickname he had given my girlfriend, and now, I couldn't help but feel ten times more jealous.

"Oh Uhh..." Seo Yeon nervously chuckled and fiddled with her fingers in front of her. "This is my boyfriend..."

"Ahhhh the boyfriend!" He snapped his fingers and chuckled while slowly nodding his head. "Daniel, right? Or was it...Asahi?-"

"Yah!" Seo Yeon was quick to harshly smack his chest which he immediately shut his mouth and silently chuckled.

I curiously eyed Seo Yeon who was twice as nervous now while still fiddling with her fingers. I deeply sighed, walking towards her and tugging on her arm and urging for her to walk with me. More questions lingered inside my head and I couldn't help but overthink and assume things that would for sure shatter my heart if they were true. And as calm as I looked right now, I imagined myself beating this guy up to a pulp and watch him take his last breath-

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