Chapter 3: Brickleback

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The other hunting ship was desperately losing control of their vessel, and the thick fog surrounding them wasn't making things much easier.

The crew stood at the cannons, firing into the distance, to try and hold the monster back, but it did very little, as tentacles wrapped around the ship, plucking up members of the crew and pulling them down into the deep dark waters below.

One crew member ran along the deck to the Captain, who was commanding the steering wheel.

"It's too much Captain! We're going down!" The man shouted in a panic

The Captain drew his sword and held it in the air. "This is it, mates! It's been me honor to serve with ya." Nicklebones announced.

In the distance, a bell could be heard ringing. The Captain turned to the right and saw the Inevitable sailing towards them.

"By God, it's the Inevitable! Have at it Black Bird!" Jim laughed.


"Let it know we're here!" Sarah commanded.

An older man loaded a firework into a cannon and fired it. Red exploded into the sky, casting a soft red light onto the red sails of the ship.

The beast grunted, and it's red eye, shifted towards the Inevitable. The Brickleback released its tentacles from the other ship and slithered after the ship.


The Inevitable sailed out of the mist and the horn of the Brickleback could be seen following after it.

"We have weather gauge. Shall we draw it upwind?" Jacob asked.

"Aye. And cross the T." Crow agreed, placing his hand on Jacob's shoulder.

"Hard to port, Mr. Crisp! I'll have her into the wind as high as she'll bear, Ms. Merino!" Crow ordered.

"Fuel the main and fore, and ease your headsails, swabbies!" Ms. Merino shouted.


"Here we go." Jacob muttered, as he descended the steps to the main deck.

The crew were busy carrying and loading ammo to fire at the Brickleback.

"Aim low." Jacob advised to the people who were shooting the cannons.

"Oy, Jacob!"

Jacob turned to see (Y/n) holding two spears, and she tossed him one. "Don't die down there, okay?" She asked, with a small smile.

"I won't if you won't, love." He gave her wink, and hopped over the railing before he could see her face flush red.

Jacob landed on a lower platform that stuck out of the ship, where other crew members were.

"Alright, ya fish killers! We come all this way for a proper fight. And now we'll get it!" Jacob announced, and the crew members cheered.

Jacob and the handful of other crew members ran along a small ledge around the ship, and grabbed some hooks that were placed along the wall, and used those to clip themselves to the ship. They leaned forward, and held their spears tightly in their hands.

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