Chapter 9: An Unknown Island

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In the darkness of the Red Bluster's mouth, a few flicks of light could be seen. To their luck, the small boat had a lantern in it, and Jacob managed to create a spark to light it.

Jacob held up the lantern to look around, while Maisie sat on his shoulders and wrapped her arms around his head. (Y/n) stood to his side and had her arm looped with his in fear.

"Are we gonna...die in here?" Maisie nervously whispered.

Jacob extended a hand to her and helped her climb off him. She sat down on one side, while Jacob and (Y/n) sat across from her.

"Well..." Jacob began.

"No." (Y/n) said.

"Yeah." Jacob said.

Maisie's eyes widened in fear, and (Y/n) glared at Jacob and swatted his arm.

"Is it gonna chew us, or will we get digested slowly with acids?" Maisie whimpered.

"I don't know, Maisie. This isn't exactly what we're used to." (Y/n) replied.

"Haven't you two hunted these things your whole life?"

"We kill 'em lass. We don't study 'em." Jacob said.

(Y/n) leaned to the side a bit, and looked down the beasts throat. "Well, I can't think of a better time to start."


Jacob tied a rope to his belt, and the other end was tied around (Y/n)'s waist. Jacob grabbed his spear, and slowly stepped off the boat, and onto the Bluster's tongue, which squished under his boot.

"Jacob..." (Y/n) hesitantly called out to him. "What if it swallows you?"

He turned back to look at her. "Cut the rope." He replied darkly.


Jacob slowly walked to the end of the tongue, and looked down it's throat, before looking up and noticing a higher area. He threw his spear up on a ledge, before jumping up himself.


After a few moments of sitting on the boat, the two girls noticed the rope started moving slightly upwards.

Maisie held (Y/n)'s hand as they both slowly exited the boat, and started following the rope. They made it to the end of the tongue, when (Y/n) was lifted up by the rope, and pulled Maisie up with her.

They climbed up to where the Red Bluster's nostrils were, and followed the rope until they found Jacob.

They came up next him, and noticed that he was entranced by the view that they saw outside the nostril, and once Maisie and (Y/n) saw it too, they also became entranced.

From their view, they could see dozens of fish swimming around, the blue of the ocean was simply beautiful.

They didn't have much time to admire it though, because the Bluster started to rise up, out of the water, tilting its body back, causing the three to slip.

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