Chapter 10: The Not Argument

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The group had found a giant shell on the ground to use as shelter, which was a good thing too, because it had just started to rain.

Maisie and (Y/n) were sitting next to each other looking at Maisie's book, when Jacob came back in with supplies.

He dropped it on the ground, and sat against the wall of the shell. He then pulled out two coconut looking fruits, and tossed one to Maisie and one to (Y/n).

"Get your strength. We're leaving in the morning." He grunted, and used his knife to split open the fruit, and drink from it.

(Y/n) pulled out her own knife and did the same.

"Me book says the beasts used to come right up to shore. That nowhere was safe." Maisie said, breaking the silence. "Is that true?" She tried to open her fruit with her knife, but missed.

"Of course it's true." Jacob said, getting up and opened the fruit for her.

"You saw it?" Maisie asked.

"It was before my time but everyone knows it's true." Jacob explained.

"Well, what if them things ain't as bad as people think? The sea is there home. We went after her, didn't we? What if we just left them alone?" Maisie reasoned.

"We kill them, because they kill us. Do I need to remind you that one of them things took your parents? Should they have just left the monsters alone?" Jacob snapped.

"Jacob!" (Y/n) hissed, glaring at him.

"I...don't know." Maisie responded hesitantly.

"Oh, you are lost girl. Your parents died heroes." Jacob threw his arm in the air and turned away from her.

"I want to believe that. But maybe you can be a hero and still be wrong." Maisie suggested.

"You're not making—."

A low growl was heard nearby.

"You're not making any sense!" Jacob whispered yelled.

"Why did Red swallow us?" Maisie whispered back.

"Oh, 'Red', is it?" Jacob asked sarcastically.

"She, not it." Maisie corrected. "I think it's a she."

"I think she swallowed us because she was protecting us from Crow." (Y/n) theorized.

"You're giving that beast way too much credit, love." Jacob grumbled.

"He was pointing a gun at you, and he—."

"He was pointing it at you, through me. Because you cut them lines!" He blamed.

(Y/n) stood up and clenched her fists. "Well, maybe I wouldn't have been near them lines if you hadn't locked me in me room!" She whispered shouted.

"I only did that to protect you!" Jacob defended.

"Oh really? And how did that turn out?" She asked sarcastically. "We're stuck on a mystery island with Lord knows what else!" She spread her arms out to emphasize her point.

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