Chapter 16: Final Battle

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As soon as Sarah cut the ropes, Red began to stir. Her movements caused Crow to lose his balance and he dropped his spear. She moved her fin, and Sarah, (Y/n) and Maisie all jumped off her and into the water.

The other ropes snapped off, and Red lifted her head up. She was still woozy from the poison, and the crew saw this and jumped off the ship, just as Red fell to the side, crushing the ship, and slamming into one of the castle towers, causing it to fall over.

Red lifted her head up again, and growled softly. The King and Queen looked on with shock and horror at the sight before them.

"The hunters have brought the beast to the very heart of our kingdom!" The Queen shrieked.

"For your Queen, for all that is good, strike it down!" The King bellowed.

"Cannoneers! Take position!" The General ordered.

Soldiers brought out cannons and aimed them at Red. Red growled at them all, but was still unstable, and fell onto another part of the castle.


Crow emerged from the water and climbed out onto the ground. He looked up and saw a statue of three figures holding a spear, and rushed after the spear.

Red picked her head up again, and growled when she saw Crow. She dove into the water, and her giant horn sped towards him. The King and Queen saw that Red was heading for them, and pushed everyone out of their way to escape.

Just as Crow managed to pry the spear from the statues, he turned and saw Red charging at him. He turned to run, but Red's horn tore through the ground, and tossed him aside.

Red rose up and growled and hissed at him. She roared and brought her moth down to attack, and Crow threw an arm in front of his face and braced for impact.

"Stop!" A voice yelled.

Red paused, and Crow opened his eyes to see Maisie standing between him and Red. Red just stared at Maisie, and everyone watching looked shocked at the fact that it wasn't attacking her.

(Y/n) came up behind her and placed a hand on Maisie's shoulder. "If you do this, it never ends."

Jacob walked past Captain Crow, and picked up the spear from the statue. He walked up to the girls and raised the spear above his head.

"No more monster hunting!" He exclaimed, and brought the spear down on his leg, and it broke.

Red grumbled softly, and leaned down to them.

"Impossible." The Queen muttered.

Jacob, (Y/n) and Maisie all climbed into Red's head, and she lifted them up so they were facing the King and Queen's balcony.

"You did good kid." Jacob told Maisie.

"I ain't done." She replied.

(Y/n) came up beside Jacob and grabbed his hand. Jacob squeezed her hand and they both watched as Maisie walked across Red's head to face the crowd of villagers.

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