Chapter 13: Gwen Batterbie

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The Inevitable sailed up to the port of Mukesh Island which was surrounded with green fog, giving it an eerie and polluted atmosphere. Captain Crow stood near the railing, looking at the island with narrowed eyes and a grim expression. The people on the docks of the island, noticed the nearly sunken boat approach with surprise.

"Is that the Inevitable?"

"What are they doing here?"


Crow stepped off the ship and started walking along the dock.

"Captain!" Sarah called from the ship, making him pause. "We don't need this. We're hunters." she reminded him.

"Only if we kill it." He replied, and kept walking.


Captain Crow made his way up some stone stairs that lead up a hill, to a small house that sat at the top of the hill.


Crow threw the door open which revealed a set of stairs heading downwards. With a determined expression, he marched down the stairs, as the door closed behind him.


The room the stairs lead to was dimly lit by candles, and there were several jars, vials, and knives that were littered on tables and all around the room.

Captain Crow barely glanced at them as he made his way forward to a figure that standing in front of a cauldron, with her back facing him.

"I know why you're here, Captain." The figure spoke. "It's always the same reason, you see."

Captain Crow didn't respond, and just stared at her back with a neutral expression, as she continued.

"And I can give you what you need." The woman picked up some ingredients and clapped them in her hands so the turned to dust, and sprinkled them in her cauldron. "A poison powerful enough to take down the greatest of beasts, and a weapon strong enough to deliver it deep."

Gwen Batterbie turned to face Captain Crow. She was a short woman, with crazy white hair, piercing eyes, and a face that was kind of similar to a bird.

"You know what they say about me, Captain?" Gwen asked, as she began walking around the Captain. "Them what come see Gwen Batterbie get what they want, but won't see a good day after. Yet here you are."

"I don't believe in them superstitions." Crow told her.

Gwen looked up at him and she smirked. "No, I don't suppose you do."

The beast tattoo on Crows chest seemed to come to life as it moved from his chest to around his neck.

"But you will." She promised with an evil, sinister smile.


Gwen opened two large doors to reveal a giant spear, and the machinist to launch it.

"It's me most terrible creation." She declared, with pride. "The Hand of God, I calls it."

"What will it cost me?" Crow asked her.

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