Author's Note #2

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Hi y'all, Johnny here...

So as you know, it's been quite a minute since I've updated this story. I am so sorry for the late update and for having taken so long. Unfortunately, times have been really hard for me and my family. But sadly, things have not gotten any better and have only gotten harder.

As you know, COVID-19 really uppened our lives and it complicated mines to a really bad point. I struggled financially as a result and had no idea how I would make ends meet and as a result I had to work extra harder and had to look for alternative ways to make money until things at my job stabalized a bit.

Financially speaking, things worked out somewhat but still struggling even now but things in that area are slowly but surely, getting better. It's all a waiting game now.

But as you all know, before SARS CoV-2 became a pandemic, I had lost my cousin to a mugging and he got shot. He was simply going to the market at night to buy groceries so he could have food for the next day at work and then it happened. Then a couple of months later, after my grandpa found out what had happened, his health got worse and suddenly, he passed away and there was another loss. Then I lost more people, some to COVID and some to other circumstances. So it's been rough to say the least.

Something else that has been plaguing me also, is that my best friend who is like a brother, he and I have been drifting apart as a result of having had to social distance and since he moved an hour away from where I live - when he used to live two streets away - things got worse and now that I am visiting him again since it's safer, I'm realizing how much this pandemic has damaged our bond and friendship, as our friendship became more onsided as a result.

I am worried of losing him too and with all the losses, it's become quite devastating to me and I am simply hoping for the best outcome to this and that tomorrow won't be the last time I see him, as I will be visiting him and really hoping that we don't drift apart.

Most have told me that it's silly I am scared of losing my best friend who again, is like a brother to me, but I can't help it because we had a bond and having lost a lot in the last two years, has made even this really difficult to deal with.

So that's one thing.

As of this chapter, I will continue to post new chapters and try and finish this story as quickly as possible as you guys have waited for so long at this point. I have come to the decision that this story along with 'Brother's Keeper', and 'Crisis on Earth-Prime' which is another Fazza story but set in the Arrowverse DC Comics continuity, will continue to be updated until they are done.

I have toyed with the idea of retiring from Wattpad and for a moment I thought about leaving permanently while keeping my profile up and running, but have decided that maybe taking a long break after these stories are done would be better as I do enjoy writing and posting here. How long I will be gone is still a big queston mark because some of the issues I have been dealing with are yet to be resolved and while I have no idea what to do or what the future will hold, a break from here will definitely be beneficial for me if I am to come back. I really need to recharge my batteries from everything that has been going on and hope that the future will be brighter.

I will give props to three of my most loyal readers and supporters:


You guys have been awesome and I am thankful and grateful for the support you have given me.

A big thanks to you guys.

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and please comment, vote, and share. I will not be posting a new chapter for Untamed Sheikh Next week, but the following week I will as I still have more chapters to write and more proofreading.

Again, so sorry for the delay in updating.

Stay safe and hope you are all doing well. Until the next update :)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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