Chapter 7: Final Confrontation

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A few days have already passed and my mom should have already flown back to LA by now but somehow my sister's stubbornness had kept her here. I was also waiting for her to deliver my cat so I could at least have someone around that actually cared about me. I was starting to miss my little Oreo snuggling next to me like he normally did at night or super early in the morning.

Most mornings, he'd be lying right on my chest or making himself comfortable right next to me. It was his thing.

Then there was the other down that was my own father. He kept trying to talk to me, trying to converse with me, but I continually gave him the cold shoulder. I was good at that and slowly but surely, I was starting to care less if I hurt his feelings. I was going to take advantage of the fact that I was also royal and I could treat him however the hell I wanted to treat him, and anyone else for that matter. Yeah, I could be a real bastard when I felt like it and him keeping me here against my will because of my mom's orders, was enough to make me hate him as much as I was starting to hate my mom for not only physically hurting me from time to time when she lost her temper, but the way she also did with her hurtful words.

"Good morning son" he walked in, all perked up and in his sweats. He was all sweaty and wearing his signature cap that said f3!

"Don't call me that!" I snapped.

"Last I checked you are my son" he tried smiling, but I was not buying it.

"Yeah, I might have your DNA running through that red liquid us humans possess. What's it called...oh yeah, blood!" I snarked. "But it doesn't mean I am your son!"

He sighed, clearly not fazed by my behavior. What was this guy's deal? Did he not have an angry or sad bone in his body?

Ok, so I read a couple of fanfictions about him, most had said that when he got mad or was somehow angered, he would be distant and cold. Apparently, that was a fact, according to some of these fans that wrote these fanfictions. But that was not what I was seeing, at least not yet. Then again, it was rumored that he became that way when he was lied to.

Did I have to make up a fat ass lie to get him to act that way so I could in a sense have more license to be ruder to the man who claimed to be my father, but who had abandoned me?

"Faisal" he said, but I kept looking at my phone's pictures that I took with Melanie. I had managed to text her to tell her I was stuck in Dubai because of my dear sweet mom but left out the part about me being a prince and that the crown prince that my sister and she drooled over whenever they saw a photo of him online, was my dear old man. Ok, so he was not old at all and looked quite young for his age.

"I don't wanna talk!"

"Faisal, could you please look at me when I'm talking to you?!" he asked, but I maintained my resolve to ignore him.

"No can do! I'm too busy!"

He sighed, and it was a frustrated sigh. Good, something was finally ticking him off. "Faisal!"

"Someone's getting snippy!" I taunted.

"Faisal!" he kept repeating my name and it was starting to bug the hell out of me. "I just want to talk to you."

"And who says I want to talk to you?!" I finally looked at him. "Mr. Prince Charming!" I glared at him. "Yeah, you're a real Aladdin come true!"

"How long is it going to take for your anger toward me to subside?"

"I don't know, probably never. In case my mom didn't tell you, I tend to hold grudges and also tend to hold on to them for a very, very long time! So yeah, your best bet is an absolute never!"

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