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Astraea is the only one in her home, her father and her sister went out and she doesn't know where, but Ada said earlier that they will find a house near la push so Dad can move there and he will be near them. While Mabel went shopping for groceries with Maggie for the upcoming new year.

She was chilling on the couch, trying to keep her mind as occupied as possible when the telephone rang. She stands up and walked towards the wall, behind the couch, and answered the telephone.

"O'Dell residence, Astraea O'Dell speaking," Astraea said while keeping her ears on the tv.

"Ah, young lady." The voice spoke "Oh hell." Astraea groaned as her eyes widened at what she said "I beg your pardon?"

"Oh, it's the movie I'm watching right now, Aunt Coraline." Astraea laughed
"Mom is not here," Astraea added before her aunt Coraline could ask.

Coraline Blanchet is the aunt of Astraea, "You're the one who I wanted." Now, she's interested "Oh?" Astraea said finally taking her eyes off the tv "Tell me about it, please."

"This is about France, dear." Now, she is confused. "What about France?" She muttered to the phone. "Did you forget?" Aunt Coraline chuckled "About what?" Astraea asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

She had no idea what her Aunt Coraline is talking about, Aunt Coraline merely called them and she never mentioned France to Astraea when they once talk on the phone.

"Mabel didn't tell you, did she?"

Astraea is shocked, she didn't know her mother would keep a secret like this, she knew her mother keep a secret from her but a secret like this? Oh, She couldn't imagine.

Astraea is shocked, she didn't know her mother would keep a secret like this, she knew her mother keep a secret from her but a secret like this? Oh, She couldn't imagine

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She waited for her mother to come home, All she wanted to do right now is to confront her about what she did.

And as soon as she heard a car pull into the driveway, she is sure that it was her mother.

She remained calm and sit on the couch, she let Mabel enter the house first before she spoke.

"When were you going to tell me about France?" Astraea said her voice is toneless, Mabel look at her for a moment before she proceed to the dining room "Who told you about France?"

"So, it's true?" Astraea scoffed as she followed her mother who is now in the kitchen.

"Who told you?" Mabel repeated, nearly yelling, "Aunt Coraline, She called!" Astraea she snapped because she felt trapped.

"Don't you dare yelled at me!" Mabel shouted back at her daughter "Why didn't you tell me?!" By now, Astraea is full of rage "I knew you don't want to leave the rez!" Mabel answered, but she can't fool her daughter, not anymore. Astraea knew better than to listen to her manipulative mother.

"Oh really?" Astraea asked in disbelief
"Yes." Mabel nodded and smile. "Well, I do want to leave." Astraea snapped to her mother "Why's that?" Mabel's smile disappear as soon as she heard Astraea's answer "You knew why,"

"Yet you enjoy watching me suffer!" She could feel the tears that were ready to fall but it wasn't sad tears they were angry tears.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mabel denied it, but no matter what she will say, Astraea could no longer believe her and trust the words she says.

"The night you handed the phone to me, you knew what were they going to tell me yet you cheer me that they going to surprise me! What kind of mother are you?!"

"Don't answer it, 'cause I know you're the worst one."

"How dare you..." Mabel said as she put her hand on her chest in shock, she didn't expect Astraea to say it.

"I'm going to France, whether you like it or not." Astraea doesn't care  about what her mother will say, she already made up her mind and once Astraea made up her mind, no one can stop her "No!" Mabel screamed

"Why of all people, you're the one who didn't want me to achieve anything like what Cass and Ada achieved!"

It became so clear to her, her mother, who was supposed to be supporting her doesn't want her to achieve anything. But why?

"I know it from the start!" She doesn't care if her neighbor heard her yell, all she wanted to do is take her anger out on the woman she never understands.

"You're not going to control my life anymore like a boss."

"Because starting right now, I will make my own choice," Astraea grunted and walk past her mother.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me!" Mabel screamed Astraea keeps walking to show her mother who never act like one that she can do it. That she can disrespect her the way she disrespects her.

it felt good walking from the woman who starts ruining her life ages ago.

She stayed in her bed all night before she called the only person she can trust in this situation

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She stayed in her bed all night before she called the only person she can trust in this situation.

"Emmett, can I ask you a question?" Astraea asked even think she was already asking "Sure." Emmett answered, "Do you think I will be able to leave the rez?" It might shock him but she doesn't care.

"Why would you leave rez?"

"You're the one who's asking now, anyway I'm just joking." She joked though she doesn't find it funny "Not a good joke." Emmett told her.

"Yeah, whatever, so how's everyone doing?" She asked, but everyone she was talking about doesn't include the wolves that were on Cullen's property
"Great, we just hope that the Volturi will listen."

"They would."

"You can come here if you want," Emmett said, he always does this, offering her to come over and always being like a good old brother.

"No thanks, I have many chores to

"Yeah yeah alright," Emmett said,
"Emmett do you ever feel like you're trapped in a place you once thought you loved and you thought you will never leave it."

"Well, I never do, because Rosalie is my place, she is my home."

"That is very romantic to say." Astraea chuckled, though she remember him again, the guy who was once her home but never hers to have.

"Anyway, good luck," Astraea said
"Thank you." Emmett replied "Bye." Astraea said and hung up.

Emmett is being too kind to her again and she hates it when someone is being too kind to her. Anyway, she hates everything.

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