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After breakfast, we sat together — the girls, Mateo, and I with Clari — in the living room to watch a movie. Everyone else is not here, they're off to their work and school except for Ada. She's taken her son to go to see a doctor.

When the phone rang, Clari stand up from the couch to pick it up "Clari Wilson speaking." Clari spoke as I listened "Aunt Mera, it's for you." Clari called, handing out the phone to me "Thank you." I said to her before taking the phone from her hand and leveling it up to my ear.

"Mera Blanchette speaking." I spoke to the phone "So formal, kid." It's Emmett "Remember my invitation? About you coming over here?" I forgot about it but he didn't say an exact date so I don't have something to remember "Yes." I answered.

"What about it?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the tv  "Today's the day." He sound so eager, did he miss me that much "Too early." I replied, "Nothing's too early for champagne." Ugh, how could I reject a glass of champagne? I couldn't say no now.

"Fine, we'll be there," I said before hanging up. I sighed to myself before walking behind the couch and tapping Mateo on the shoulder "Mateo, get dressed. We're going to the Cullen's." I announced. Mia's head quickly snapped towards me "Can we come?" Mia asked with those puppy eyes again "No." Mateo and I said in unison.

It looks like he hasn't forgotten what happened to his car. Well, can't blame him.

After an hour of begging, Mia gave up when she saw that I won't let her come. Even if I wanted to come, it's not nice to take along someone when the only person that is invited is you and your partner. I'm sure they wouldn't mind especially Esme but the only person who is invited is Mateo and me.

"Just a little heads up." I started, keeping my eyes on the road "You're not allowed to ask any questions once we're there," I demanded, knowing full well he won't follow it "You're not allowed to speak too much because when you do, half of my secrets start coming out of you're mouth and I don't like that." Even though he won't do what I tell him, at least I tried.

Mateo looked at me, confused. Like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I don't want the fake engagement thing coming out of his mouth, I want to leave here peacefully and once I did, I will never come back.

I decided that three more days and I'll be gone here. Louise said that the business is doing well and it's still at its finest while I'm gone so I do not need to worry.

When I pulled up to the Cullen's modern house in the middle of the woods, I was shocked.

Does nothing change here at all?

I glanced at Mateo, the feeling of him not talking uneased me. The last year I've been with him, all he do is talk so this is a little bit new to me. I mean, he's listening to me for the first time, isn't he?

Before my knuckles could be tapped against the door, it opened suddenly. Startling me and Mateo "Welcome." Esme's warm smile greeted us as she motioned us to come inside "Wow, you're home is nice." Mateo complimented "Thank you, Mr. Pierre." Esme replied after closing the door behind her

"Call me Mateo, Mrs. Cullen," Mateo said "And please call me Esme." More of them welcomed us, they come out of the kitchen. Vampires never really changed, do they?

Oh, I wish all could do that.

"There's my kid!" Emmett exclaimed as he rushed forward to me, hands spread wide before crushing me with his hug "Emmett, I'm human." I reminded him, just in case he forgot.

I look around the house. This household has been my home before I left. I remember the last time I came here was Christmas. They were preparing for the battle at that time. That's the day before I knew Aunt Coraline wanted me to France and my mother — feels wrong calling her that — don't want me to go so she didn't tell me about that.

"Mera, it's nice to see you again." Alice came. She still has the pixie-cut hairstyles that suit her so much.

I'm happy that Edward and Bella are doing well considering they will spend eternity with each other and with their daughter, Renesmee.

Speaking of Renesmee, she isn't here.

"Renesmee's with them." Edward said before I could ask. I nodded before scratching the back of my neck "Come on, the food is outside." Alice pulled me outside of the house into the backyard where Bella and Edward had their wedding six years ago. This is where I had worn that awful dress — I didn't admit it to myself first cause I was being nice — Emmett made me wear it.

I parted my lips when I saw how much food there is in here, considering they don't eat at all except drink blood. Alice made me seat before pulling Mateo beside me.

"Aren't you eating?" Mateo asked, mouth full of food when he noticed they aren't eating anything "Oh no, we help ourselves before you even come." Carlisle chuckled "Oh." Mateo mumbled before continuing to stuff food into his mouth

"You two aren't engaged, are you?" Edward asked.

Oh, fuck. I forgot Edward can read minds.

"You caught us there." I gave in, knowing explaining wouldn't do me any good "But why pretend?" Bella asked "It's to keep Mera's suitor away and if you didn't know, she had loads." Mateo answered

"Wow, you're a charming and bright one in France aren't you?" Emmett asked.

"No, it's the brightening golds and diamond they were charmed about," I said but it is true, it wasn't me they were interested in, it's the money. It's always been something else and not me.

"Let me just get the wine," Emmett announced, standing up from his seat
"Mera, come." Emmett motioned me with his head to follow. I gave him a clueless look but follow him inside afterward.

"You know, I'm still mad at you for leaving." Emmett said. I knew the smartest thing I did was run but hearing Emmett say that tightened my chest "And I know you're still mad at them for leaving, breaking the promise they started." He added, then, he paused. I knew he wanted to say something but he's thinking if it's alright to say it.

"Did you forgive them?" He asked, which I didn't what to answer "I forgot about them." I murmured, "You forgot but never Forgave, I thought it was supposed to be the other way around?" Emmett chuckled "But, I understand why." 

"It's so hard coming back here, Emmett." I'm not supposed to say it out loud but I couldn't let it caged inside me anymore "I have a perfect life and a perfect self in France but when I'm here, I'm so destroyed and fucked up."

"Just because you're destroyed and fucked up here doesn't mean you're not perfect."

"Astraea wasn't perfect, Hemera is." Hemera is something Astraea didn't ask for, only because Astraea is a dumb teenager who wanted to stay here and is ready to forgive and be in love while Hemera wanted to explore and forget.

"The both of you were perfect but not the same cause Astraea forgave but Mera forgets." I know we will never be the same. She's the past and I am the future. And being the future means correcting everything that didn't mean to go wrong in the past.

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