New Student Time

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I got to class early as usual and next to my desk I see, a large black box. "It looks like some kind of machine." I stated to whoever could hear me. As I see Sugino, Okajima, Nagisa and Isogai enter the class room I wave to them, like I did when Kurahashi and Katoka entered. Maehara entered soon after. They all crowd around the machine and the screen flickers, showing a girl with pink hair, red eyes and what looked to be a uniform on her 2d body.

"Good morning fellow students. I am A.I.F.A which is an acronym for Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery. And I am happy to be a part of this class." She started monotonously. It's come to this? We all thought. As class started Karasuma came before the octopus to introduce the function of A.I.F.A or our new classmate.

"As you can probably guess for yourselves, this is our new transfer student. The Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery, on loan from Norway." Karasuma exclaimed, sounding and looking so tired.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. Thank you for having me" Her screen flashed before going back to the black. This is so creepy. I shudder next to the robot. Koro Sensei and Miss Jelavic came in the door, the octopus snickering.

"I'll thank you not to laugh. This is a serious deal." Karasuma yelled, losing it. He turned back to all of us, our heads turned to the new student. "The A.I.F.A is entered as a part of the forgin exchange program. She'll be trying to kill you just as much as everyone else here. And as per our agreement, you have an obligation to not harm her in any way." Karasuma stated, pulling composure back in.

"You and your government might be pulling that arrangement a little too liberally. But alright. Welcome to E class, Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery." Koro Sensei exclaimed excitedly.

"Thank you Koro Sensei, I certainly appreciate it." The robotic girl exclaimed.

Skip to English class and Koro Sensei just got done writing on the board, "Alright, out of our story we know that one of our characters is already dead." He started to exclaim as I zoned out, already having read the book we are discussing. As soon as blissful ignorance took over me a loud pop was heard throughout the class, maybe even throughout the school building. I look over at what made the noise, and see our new classmate with guns coming out of her outer walls.

"Nevermind!" Nagisa shouted,

"Holy crap," Sugino stated right after him. What in the fuck- knuckles! I scootched more towards Karmas desk before anything happened, knowing that that is going to be louder than anything.

"Four shot-guns, two machine guns, I applaud your preparedness but out of concern for someone shooting their eyes out, I allow no discharge in the classroom." Koro Sensei shouted as he danced around the bbs.

"Understood the next round of fire will be more aimed." The robot exclaimed.

"Recalculating trajectory. Correcting angle and entering auto evolution phase 5280." She exclaimed, numbers flooding her screen.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Stubborn, aren't we?" Our teacher asked, green strips showing on his face. "An identical attack, really?" Koro Sensei complained. And then, we all got to watch in shock as the piece of chalk he was holding fell to the floor.

"Left finger tip destroyed. Newly added secondary gun, effective." She exclaimed, pulling her guns away. "Probability of neutralizing target with third attack 0.001 percent, probability of neutralizing target with fourth attack, less than 0.003 percent. Probability of neutralizing target by graduation, minimum 90 percent." The A.I.F.A exclaimed, making Koro Sensei squeamish. "Be advised, third attack is commencing now, Koro Sensei." The robot exclaimed, smiling.

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